2010-2011 Yearbook

Drinking Starbuckscoffee Dec. 3, senior Coleo Bakke enjoys her weekend in Nashville. Tenn. Bakke and her friends attended a Christian conference led by Christian speaker and author Graham Cooke. Alex Shelton Freshman Alex Ford roasts a marshmallow at a campsite in Heber Springs, Ark., Sept. 24. "My favorite port was sitting out by the lake in the middle of the night singing with my friends. as a couple of the guys played the guitar," freshman Taylor Correll said Courtesy of Taylor Carrell Reenacting a scene from Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. seniors Moria Gleim and Courtney Boyd celebrate the book at a Harry Potter party Nov. 1. A number of students were fans of the books and movies and held theme parties before the Nov. 19 movie release of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows. Port One. Courtesy of Elena Moore 38 student life