2010-2011 Yearbook

jason Mroz performs his well-known hits along with several new songs on the Benson stage Sept. 25. This was the major concert of the fall semester, and students were excited to hove a big nome on campus. Noah Darnell Students ~on truck tailgatesand on the ground at the drive-in.mcyie, Remember the Tirans, Sept. 11. This event was ~ted as port of Celebrate Kingdom to raise money for the Sunshine School. Ashe/ Parsons Sophomore Sam Featherstone and junior Lauren Tonkersley listen to the Belles and Beaux and UFO Reel concert on the front lawn Aug. 27. The Bock to School Bosh was created for students to meet new faces and reconnect with old friends after the first week of school. Alex Shelton campus activities 2 7