2010-2011 Yearbook

·of teammates A good soccer season did not just fall into place by coincidence. The men's soccer team, with the leadership of Coach Gregory Harris, spent a large amount of time preparing for the upcoming 2010-2011 season .This included working out together, setting goals for the season and bonding as a team. One key pre-season event for the team that had the potential to determine the outcome of their season was the All-Gulf South Conference nominations.These nominations were given to two senior members of the team, Connor Galloway and Gabe Alexander, allowing them to serve in leadership roles to the younger members on and off the field. "I hope to help the younger kids be confident and take pride in helping the team accomplish the goals we have set for ourselves," Galloway said. The team also focused heavily on pre-season athletic training time. "We practiced all spring and worked out over the summer," Galloway said. "These practices involved running, lifting weights and playing small side games." Since there were several new members on the team, bonding was an important part of pre-season training. The guys had to transition from viewing themselves as 22 individuals to a functioning, single unit. "We need to function together and get along," Harris said. "When we come into pre-season, the team learns to become instant family. We want to have that type of community and family in which •everyone would be involved." Sophomore Jackson Savage said that one of his favorite team bonding activities was their annual dinner together on the final night of pre-season. "We all go to the coach's house for some poppy seed chicken made by Coach Harris' wife, and after that the guys' and girls' teams get together for some karaoke. It is a little ridiculous, but nevertheless, it is an experience that never fails to bring us closer together." One of the team leaders' goals was to identify the strengths and weaknesses of each member individually in order to help the team work to 1ts full potential. "We want to try and see how we can utilize the talents of every single person," Harris said. "We are trying to find out the best types of leaders and who can help the team in what areas." Even though Galloway was injured and unable to play halfway through the season, the seniors helped motivate the younger players. "We worked extremely hard and that's all that you can do," Alexander said. "You're going to mess up; that's a given, so you always have to be sure to work hard." In retrospect, the members of the team all agreed that, while certain aspects of the season did not turn out the way they had predicted, it was a very successful year, and they were already planning for next year's pre-season. "I will go ahead and speak for the team when I say we all have some growing to do," Savage said. "I am determined to improve my game and focus, and I know the rest of my teammates are reassuring themselves as well. If we all have that attitude, I know that next season will be a success." Mackenzie Lee Row 1 I. Borreintos, P Zcimoro, A Seifer, C. Pose, P. Wilhelm, J. McAlister, P Poyer, C. Stalcup Row 2 V Moyo, C. Galloway; C Stewart, W Reno, W Lynn, l Auolo, S Daley; C Alexander, C. Barrientos, j. Eddy. Row 3 L Close, C. Nelson, C Harris, L Close, J Bortlt, J. Ireland, P Glenn, C Leon, A Brown, S. Morris, J. Savage, A Haden , C. Eddlemon, A Flesher, S. Groves. men's soccer 2 9 7 ~