2010-2011 Yearbook

2 4 student life Sophomores Aaron Gillaspie and james Feher tackle players from Arkansas Tech during the Nov. 6 Homecoming game. The Bisons won with a score of 4 2 to 7. Ashe/ Parsons Mrs. Meers, played by senior Mary McBride, and Bun Foo. played by sophomore joshua Little. argue about selling girls into white slavery during the Nov. 5 performance of "Thoroughly Modern Millie." Mrs. Meers forced Bun Foo to be a slave trader in exchange for her bringing their mother over to America. Ashe/ Parsons Reading a letter from home, sophomore Koelyn Tovernifs character Ethel Peas finds out that her lost living relative has died. In "Millie," single girls living at the Hotel Priscilla tha~ were "'all alone in the world" were sold into slavery. jeff Mo!]tgomery Handing Miss Dorothy a rose in "Millie" Nov. 5. sophomore Bloke t-IUI'Iter acts out the first scene in a love story with so~homore Amanda Lone. Hunter'scharacter was supposed to hand Miss Dorothy a poisoned apple but instead gave her a rose. jeff Montgomery Singing "Only in New York." graduate student Alycio Haynes performs her first solo of the night. Haynes played Muzzy Von Hossmere. a wealthy singer and performer jeff Montgomery