2010-2011 Yearbook

Freshman jessica Futrell looks for the next person to sign her book in the student center on Oct. 26.1oto Chi inductees hod to wear pink lipstick all week as well as matching clothes to promote unity}on Yoder The Pink & Black "We have girls from every walk of life, with all types of interests," junior Monrca Woods, member of women's social club Iota Chi, sard. "But we come together as a whole to form such a strong bond." While Iota Ch rmembers drd have a strong foundation in their friendships and pink-and-black jerseys, they were also unified by a common cause. For· the past three years, the club had been involved in a fundraiser for an organization called She Dances, giving aid to women and girls in Honduras caught in sex trafficking. "She Dances provides the girls with a safe home and protection, and provides training and opportunities for the girls to get safe, legal jobs," Woods said. "It is something we have only been doing for the past three years, but we are trying to get awareness out and make it much bigger." According to sophomore Caity Oliver, it was very important to understand the degrading way women in other countries were sometimes treated, which often resulted in trafficking. Iota Chr aimed to make a difference in these women's lives, giving hope to as many hurting women in Honduras as possible in the future. "It is important for us to come together and help fellow women of the world," Oliver said. "We show our support by helping them find the respect they deserve." Sarah Eason c (]) E U') 0) c Q Row 1: L Dougan, J. Mokool, N. Dill, A Hunter. H. Allen, M. Gleim, C. Garfield E. Moore, N. johnson. Row 2: L McKoy, R Hogan, J. Ware, A Lee. B. Camarata. M. Hogan. S. jones, B. Payne. Row 3: R Dixon, A Bollard B. Sarrett, A Hannah, ,K. Fidone. T. Cowdery, D. Woosley, M. Bice, K. Bradford. Row 4: A Rice. C. Rohde. J. Holley, M. McColl, A Franklin, M. Cole, B. Bess, M. Sampson, K. Thomas Row 5: M. Paxton. l Futrell. D. Zulim, A Lewis, K. Lone, C. Fell~ D. Reedy, K. Goodwin. Row 6: B. Mountford K. Goodlow, M. Goodlow, C. Moore, A Par~ M. Woods, B. jones, B. Starkey. Row 7: l Knoske. L Coo~ K. Powers, A Doherty, B. McDonald J. Holt, A Shaw, A Dixon, l Garrish, N. Delgado. Row 8: L Steiner. L Raynor. H. Barnovic, C. Oliver. H. Nowakowski, W. Vagi, T. joyce, M. Flynn, D. Schilling. junior jon Bostic catches a paint bucket during the point fight with Chi Kappa Rho on Oct 26. On bid night King's Men participated in a foot washing ceremony led by the existing members. Abby Kellett -· 0 -+ 0 0 :::J -· Spreading Goa·s Love For over 3.5 years, King's Men had been striving to do the Lord's work. In that peripd of time, they had strengthened the foundations of their club as well as ~eir relationships with each other, maintaining friendships past graduation. Junior Jonathan Broo~, .W'ho formerly served as spiritual life director for the club, believed irr.these lasting friendships and getting to know people beyond stereotypes. "Whatever label we are given by the masses, it is the friendships we make with one another that ultimately make a difference in any club," Brooks said. "King's Men is a club that focuses on accepting people for who they are. Rather than feeling pressure to conform to a certain 'personality type,' we are encouraged to be ourselves." Row 1: c Franks, PBradley, A Yarbrough. Row 2: l West, D. Kimmel. I Duckstein, l Metheny, Row 3: 0 Sherrod l Pettey. E. Crooks, K. Parker. R Moron. Row 4: B. VanZant, E. Lantz, N. Warmoth, T. Taylor. I Bollard M. Brooks Row 5: S. Cofer. M. Cornwall. A Gresham, l Brooks, T. Pringle. Row 6: R Howard l Przeczewski, S. Smith, Z. Cone, l Bostic He also added that an important focus forthe club was encouraging through leadership. "Because we are all in the body of Christ, we should celebrate our differences and encourage each other to use them to glorify God," Brooks said. "It's important to our club to serve others, but it is also important to allow equal opportunity to our members to lead others in this service." Corrie Martin club profiles 2 71 ~