0 c ·- 0) @ Row 1: G Vandegrift. l Low. C. johnson. M. Russell, E. Chilton. N. Scarlett. R Ingalls, A Peralta, T. Eatherton. Row 2: C. Aller\ G D'Antonio. D. Davenport, A Michaels, P. Seymour. RAndersor\ A Fincher. B. Anderson. Row 3: ). Maxwell. A Wilmsen. H. Coffey, A Lundblode. K. Rosu. K. Wolters. S. Carroll. Row 4: M Canterbury, l Lindsey, L Nizni~ K. ThompSOC\ B. Frederic~ M Ballentine, M. Thomas. B. Groce. Row 5: l Rush. A White, J. Russell, E. Tremaine. H. Stanger. V. Hargrove, l Lomb, M. Larsen. Row 6: D. Clor~ E. Hester, K. Collins, C. Moore, B. Perry, C. DiMario, M. Henry, S. Crowder. Row 7: J. McClung, C. Hines, K. Rothe, A Beaver. T. Sollee. E. Phillips, T. Mcintosh. Row 8: C. Bracken, C. McKuin, H. Briggs, B. Bullough, L Smith, A Hare, M. Volentine. Row 9: L Burley, E. Bradley, M. Derryberry, M. Rodgers. T. Kroll,). Wagner. S. Green. Row 10: R. Ronchino, A Keith, M. Former. L McCarty, K. Przeczewski. Em~rging 1nto Queens The tables by the coffee shop in the student center were often surrounded by a group of girls wearing dark blue and silver, the unifying colors of social club Regina. Regina had been on campus for 63 years, and although many men's clubs on campus had what they called "queens," Regina put a twist on the sentiment. In Regina, every girl was a queen. "A lot of people know we are the Regina Queens, but I'm not sure many know why," senior Rachel Ranchino said. "The name Regina means 'queen' in Latin, and we model ourselves after Queen Esther in the Bible." The club strove to stay true to their motto, "Others Before Ourselves," by serving Sea(cy through nursing home visits, animal shelter volunteer work and the Searcy Children's Home. "The love that exists within and around the women of Regina is something that I think other clubs would kill for," junior Claire Moore said. According to Moore, Regina girls were not always what they seemed. "I think most people write us off as quiet, shy girls, but Regina girls love to have fun, and can honestly be a little loud and crazy sometimes," Moore said. Senior Sarah Crowder agreed. "We form strong, lasting relationships," Crowder said. "It's always been like that in Regina." Monique jacques Freshman Rachel Ingalls shows junior Tyler Eatherton her Lady Gogo costume during club week on Oct 28. Regina continued their tradition of giving the inductees princess crowns on bid night to wear all week. Abby Kellett The Titans inductees line up to meet the cutie pie inductees before playing games with them on Oct 26.Titan inductees were expected to look their best by wearing o suit jacket, dress pants and tie all week. Abby Kellett Titans, Titans The Best Social clubs often had qualities that made them unique, but not every club could boast of having its own personal rock band. Four men, juniors Kade Dickerson, Kyle Rowe, Marco Orozco and Jordan Taylor, represented men's social club Titans while simultaneously paying tribute to some of the greatest rock artists of all time in their band, creatively named UFO Reel. What began as a few high school friends in a garage band evolved and grew at Harding into a well-known entertainment group representing Titans and entertaining at many local events such as the Back to School Bash. According to the guys of UFO Reel, it was important to maintain a strong friendship. "We can go through rough spots and still be friends in the end without killing each other," Dickerson said. "It's just rock and roll, after all." Since all of the men were in Titans, they frequently played at their own functions. One show that happened every year took place at the White Country Fairgrounds after the annual Titans toga function. Members of the club were excited for and continually supported their friends. "Marco Orozco is the next American Idol," junior JT Fisher said. However, the band said that they loved to play, no matter who the audience was. They planned on entertaining their social club and the rest of Harding campus for as long as possible. "It really doesn't matter the crowd," Dickerson said. "If we're onstage, it's going to be a good time for us, and if the crowd is enjoying it as much as we are, that's a super bonus." Caitlin Caldwell/Sarah Eason 2 7 0 social clubs Row 1: C. White, A Wade, C. Lynn, K. Hedric~ C. Coldwell. Row 2:). Adkins. W Beggs, l Bohnen B. Daniel G Leon. G Poston, K. Martin, S Kinnear. T. Nelson. Row 3: A Watson, B. Clinton. G Roe, C. Rose, M. Duke, D. Lepore, B. Rowsey, K. Kinser. C. Holey, Row 4: D. Smith, K. Weiland l Wood C. Walker. K. ~!afford H. Henderson, M. Miliker\ S. Smith. Row 5: 1. Taylor. A Browr\ B. Shields. Row 6: K. Dickerson, D. Stubblefield B. Petree, M. Sitler. G Stewart, l Taylor. S. Morris Row 7: G Boker. C. Toy~tH Shirley, l Wallis, A Sills, P.Tolbot.l Huggins Row 8: M. Orozco, l Smith. B. Golder\ H. Grigs~ H Boyd L FergusOC\ R Campbell. Row 9: M Morgor\ K. Rowe, l Feher. T. Finley, l Holt. T. Moseley, L. Stuart, C. Wolters, P. Anzalone, K. Conus Row 10: D. HudSOC\ C. Bober: D Wooldridge.! SI!Gggs Row 11: l Fultz. I Fisher. M DeSohio, l Aldridge, l White. -+ -· -+ 0 :J (/)