Senior Ted Wheetley tokes the boll to the basket for Gamma Sigma Phi on Feb. 3. junior Hannah Stewart from Pi Theta Phi said GSP games were always fun because so many of the club members come out to watch. Alex Shelton Setting o Christian Example The men of Gamma Sigma Phi had it all. By staying focused on constantly improving their club's spiritual life, Gamma Sigs upheld their motto, "Setting Chnstian examples through leadership that we make evident in our lives." "Gamma Sigma Phi was essentially founded as a godly group of guys who loved to play sports together," senior Bo Bailey said. "Over the years, that group started moving to only desinng athletes and not looking at who the person actually was. Since my class, we have strive[n] to become more focused on what we are called to do as Christians." The club had a w1de variety of people in it, many of them leaders around campus. "Six out of the last seven Student Impact directors have come from Gamma Sigma Phi," Bailey said. "We have guys from 6 different countries, guys who want to be missionaries, coaches, doctors, guys who hate sports, and guys who love sports." Most importantly, Gamma Sigma Phi knew what it meant to make time for God with a club prayer group every Wednesday night and a Sunday night devotional period open to the public. "We do this because we feel that as Christ1ans, we should always strive to be better," Bailey said. "We meet to share what is going on in each other's lives, hold each other accountable for our actions and pray for those who need 1t most." Mackenzie Lee ...c u Row l l Verzoso. C. Oliver, L Lowery, S. Cromer, A Smith, A Volentine, T. joyce Row 2: l Thomas, T. Whe.etley, B. Bailey, l Corter, M. Griekspoor, M. FlynC\ W Collum Row 3: K. Howard L Page, l BowmoC\ L Hedric~ C. Moody, K. Buckley. Row 4: K. Curtis, l McManus, A Farris, D. Norris, T. Vetter, PHull, C. Brantley, R Bennett. Row 5: K. Clayton, A Tebo, D. Tucker, T. White, A Edwards, C. Brukordt, D Mounfford, K. Newton. Row 6: B. Treme, B. Henderson, A Taylor, C. Briggs, l Hoover, K. Barnes Row 7: l Toyos, A HoydeC\ D. Fair, A Cole, S. Sanders, A Baucum. Row 8: l McKoy, D. Schil ling, PPugh, D. Ater, l Chong, H. Fell< Row 9: l Hart, A Rushing, C. Ashley, R Patrie~ B. Gammill, S. Lhoto~ D. Hunter. Row 10: l Wolters, D. Bonner, l Rucker, S. Lundquist, W Vogl, B. Vogl, B. Kehl. Row 11: W. Porter, F Collier, M. Stewart. C. Norris, D. Gibbs, C. Schmolzried. Row 12: N. Copeland. R Sanchez. D. Farrington. l Valdes . 0 D · _Q A "Thrilling" g~oup of girls (Q 0 3 3 0 V> -· (Q 3 0 D ::J E 0 0 0) <1) Every Thursday night of club week, the ladies of Omega Lambda Chi descended the bleachers in the GAC to entertain the all-club crowd with a not-so-scary rendit1on of Michael Jackson's "Thriller" dance. After three years of "Thril lerThursday," in the fall of 2010, members of Omega Lambda Chi sharpened their claws and their danc1ng skills to bring some lighthearted entertainment to club week. E 0 Row 1 K. Brown, M. Nelson, l Koob, M. Wolters. Row 2: W. Dunovin, E. Grant, B. Davison, B. Lawson, S. Kempf Row 3: N. Hillhouse, L Paden, C. Ringling, ]. Reeves. Row 4: S. Roob, L Guthridge, R. Martin, T. Moon. Row 5: l Wernert, K. Brown, K. Arbuckle, A Rogers, D Peococl Row 6: R Hare, C. Reeves, A White, S. Wade, S. Ringling. Row 7: M. Moior, A Foster Both new and current members of Omega Lambda Chi perform their signature club week "Thriller donee" on Oct 29. It was o tradition that during roll call, the girls would come out to the middle of the gym floor and perform the song. }on Yoder "Thriller Thursdays are becoming club week tradition for us," junior Kathryn Arbuckle said. "It can be a little nerve-wracking getting up in front of a whole gym packed with people, but when cloth to provide diapers for underprivileged children. we're together we can do anyt hing." Omega Lambda Chi members did not spend the entire semester expanding their choreography ski lis, however. Members also devoted themselves to service and to sisterly bonding. According to Arbuckle, in the spring of 2010, Omega Lambda Chi members raised money for missionaries in Africa, as well as collecting "We like to consider ourselves not just a service club who does service projects, but a group of servants," junior Amberly Rogers said. "We just want to serve each other and the people we encounter every day." Kelsey Sherrod club profiles 2 6 9 ~