·-...c 0.. 0 +- (1) ...c +- ·- 0.. Row 1: L Wright. A Neill, S. Cromer. S. Croddoc~ L Brumfield. K. Keese, L Lowery. K. Maynard. C Sober. M. Watson, RHelton, RKunkel, L Buche' Row 2: i Bell. B. Porker. R Roberton, A Reeves, E. Robinson, S. Rogers, K. Murray. B. Smith.( Yoder. R Parsons, S Switze' Row 3: i Pancoast. M. Parks. K. Koctor. S. Gory. M. Scott. H. Porto, T. Stracener. K. Smith, C. Fraley. R Capri, N Londecker. Row 4: B. Kehl. C. Moody. H. Stewart, S. Manning, A Corney. B. Reeves, E. Poe, K. Boy. C. Schondevel, M. Alexander. Row 5: A Parsons, T. Wosilewsky. E. Chaffin, S. Driskell. C. Sullivan, K. Donaldson. L Sawyer. T. Phillips. M. Sharp, S. Curfman. Row 6: K. Mitchell, H. Brantley. K. Bell. C. Covington, K. Cline, E. Owens, E. Adams, L Meeker. A Volentine. Row 7: R Musgrove, N Kellam, E. Chambers, E. Moore, T. Deecke, M. Morris, A Abla, A Witherspoon. E. Malec. Row 8: S. Allen. T. Freer. C. Cree~ M. West. S. Blackshear, A Condo. G Jetton, E. Dougherty. K. Todd. B. Cowdery. A Rozell, L Wilkinson. Row 9: K. Boy. K. Morgan, M. Campbell. B. Ramsey. M. Cleveland. L Spigner. B. Jordon, K. Morris, K. Robinson, K. Celsor. A Lincoln. Being totally Transparent "When I saW themlwaslike,'They'rehavingsomuchfun!"' jun;or Chelsea Gallaher said after her first encounter with Pi Theta Phi. "I want to do that!" Gallaher described the members as full of zeal, not caring what anyone thought of them, but she saw they were focused on God at the same time. "They actually helped me choose Harding," Gallaher said. Pi Theta Phi had a special tradition called "Naked N1ght" which dealt with the concept of being completely open and transparent with one another. At "Naked Night" the girls shared all their personal struggles with each other and talked about what had been going on 1n their l1ves. "W;th that opportunity for people to tell their struggles, it opens up the opportunity for relationships with those struggles," Gallaher said. "That's something I really identify with." Sophomore Auburn Valentine described the club as diverse but still a close-knit group of girls. "I feel comfortable going to any of them if I needed a listening ear or prayer," Valentine sa1d. "It's definitely a blessing." Whether members were praying together or enjoying being ridiculous with "Mom Jeans Mondays," Pi Theta Phi girls agreed the most important thing was their dedication to the club. "I love it when we feel so unified," Gallaher said. "Everyone is so eager to share and to open up with one another. We're big, but we feel small at the same time." Gabrielle Pruitt New Pi Theta Phi member and freshman Kelly Donaldson prepares to crawl through a hula hoop while connected to the rest of her sisters Oct 26. Each girl hod to fit her entire body through the hoop while holding onto the rope. Ashe/ Parsons God First Goofiness second Orange and black could be found on more than just Halloween decorations-these were the colors the men of Alpha Tau proudly claimed as their own. This tight-knit group was a family in more ways than one. "I have 40 options if Iever need someone to confide in w1th absolutely any problems I'm having," junior Kevin Boyce said. Alpha Tau emphas1zed spirituality with fun always included. "The club itself has a belief and unwritten rule of 'God first goofing off second,"' senior Russ Gray said. Alpha Tau put God first by helping out a former club member with his mission work on the other side of the world. "We have supported Andrew Gearhart a missionary in New Zealand, for close to two years now," Boyce said. "During every club meeting we pass around a collection can and raise as much as we can to support the missionary." Alpha Tau's friendships, spirituality and goofiness were what glued the club together. "We as a club want God to be the center of everything we do, everything else comes after that" Gray said. Mackenzie Lee Alpha Tau inductees circle up in the center of the Ganus Athletic Center during roll call to do a club Row 1: T. South, L Collins, S. McCartney, C Landolt. R Fortune, W. O'Deor. C Lambert, K. Kelly. N. Freemon. Row 2: S.Joimes, L Blansett, M.Jones. M. Brittain. l Green. S. Dougherty. A Olsen, T. Welborn, K. Stevens. Row 3: S Borgelt. M. Wells, S. Brown. S. Kemp[ Row 4: K. Feather. D. Young, T. Overman, B. Welborn, C. Reyonold\ C. Brown. S. Ramsey. B. Groves Row 5: B. Gray. A Kinslow, G Gwaltney. L Guthridge, C McClurg, C. Rech, 1M. Bruns, i Rucker. Row 6: L Skidmore, R Doran, K. Williams, B. Rich, W Blanc. S. Metts, M. Wiseman. Row 7· R Gray. l Morningstar. I. Summers, D. Phillips, K. Boyce cheer for everyone on Oct 26. Many of their cheers during club week involved choreographed routines on the gym fioor. Abby Kellett 2 6 8 social clubs 0 D :::y 0 -+ 0 c CD D (/) -· 0 ::J