2010-2011 Yearbook

President of the Student Nurse Association senior Micah Walden and senior Vice President Kala Stidham start off the first chapter meeting on Feb. 11. Nominations for new officers for the spring semester were submitted and the association discussed fundroising opportunities in order to attend the Student Nurse Association's notional convention. Kristi Soto - ,..., r ~/ _,.,·- Row 1: j. Knoske. K. Powers. T. Pryor, M. Bice Row 2: C Lewis, B. Cothren. C Ralston. K. Beaty. Row 3:]. Skaggs, D. Cole (sponsor), D. Hardison. G English. P. Phom Sludenl Nurse Associglign Row 1: B. Houtchens, M. Burton, K. Stidham, V Rubey. A Lopez. A Peebles. H. Henderson. K. Hill. A Bellcoc~ B. Houtchens. M. Hammac~ Row 2: L Osborne, P. Smith (sponsor), E. Kosgi, M. Watson. T. Luke. M. Mengei, B. Sims, M. Donaldson. S. Crowder, A Keith, M. Sheppard. C Curl, K. Inness. R Moron, S. Piquet Row 3: L Smith.]. Burt (sponsor). R Boyd. E. Beazley, K. Lilli~ M. Celsor, R Kunkel, C Fultz. C Elder, K. Percey, E. Mofield. K. Dovi~ K. Frye, M. Wolden. H. Witt. S. Rogers Row 1: C Pruitt. K. Schaefer, E. Provencher, A Hurt, M. Fonseca. A Wertenberger Row 2: H lme~) R"~ K. Koct\ A Archei; L Ritchie M jones Academhj of Ph slclans Asslslanls Row 1: M. Middlebroo~ D. Tucker. H Goines.) Owens. C Maddux. ) Brewer, S. Doily, K. Carlon, A Partain. K. Moore, S Griffith Row 2: R Golden. E. Garner. M. Reed. M. Nichols. A Allen. C Miles Row 3: A Williams. L Whitten. K. Singleton. D. Olson. ]. Mahaffey. ]. McCoy. Row 4: G Hill. T. Shipp, ) Tucker, ) Word.) Burch. M. Browning,! Searcy. C Dovi~ B. Sullivan, C Freemon, D. Wigginon. A Colston. ]. Smelser. Row 1: l Berrens, M. Dovi~ l Lone,]. Foutch. S. Strange, S. Crowder, H. Henderson, E. Lee Row 2: C Lee. L Mandich, M. Watson. R Kirby. B. Slm~ B. Houtchens, K. Przeczewski, M Heasley, L Osbourne. R Reeley. Row 3: P. Smith.! Burt. L Engel. M Wolden. science-health 2 3 9 ~~