2010-2011 Yearbook

AS Me Row 1: M. Strasser, N. Nill, C. Belew, P. Varney. Sponsor Dr. Brad Miller Row 2: J Moore, T. Gammon, B. Anderson, A Rugema. Row 3: A Comas, J Wood. josh Gibb, D. Kimmel. FCS Row 1: A Williams, S Blackshear, A Calvert, M. jone~ A Hunter, S. Holup, M. Russel. Row 2: R Teague, L McCaughan. K. Molt, N. Bennett C. Smith, L Burgess, H. lmes, H. Benjamin, Sponsor Becky Moore, E. Wilkin, K. Haberman. Row 1: Sponsor Dr Gof( Sponsor Dr. Schramm, l Mckay. A Hardman, C. Lents, P. Pugh. Row 2 Sponsor Dr Wilson, Sponsor Dr Burt Hollandsworth, D. Smith, S. Gary. P. Pham. Row 3: Sponsor Dr. Cole, J jones, C. Hancoc~ C. Cain. 2 3 6 organizations Seniors Josh Jones ana Andi Hardman, co-president of Gedanken Society, examine o science e<periment in the lob. Hardman was one of the students chosen to do reseor~ during the summer of 2010. Ashe/ Parsons Seniors Zack McKay, Andi Hardman, Caleb Hancock, josh jones and Sarah Gory circle around on experiment on Sept. 26. The Aosk was filled with liquid nitrogen, which is nitrogen in o liquid state at o very low temperature. Ashe/ Parsons jones pours liquid nitrogen onto the table during on experiment on Sept. 26. The Gedanken Society planned to research new compounds throughout the school year. Ashe/ Parsons