Chamber Sin Row LS. Hoffman~ E. Wood, M Herou< C Pope. Row 2,K. Neil (sponscxl.l\l White. C. McGill, ~ Simpson. B. Holder, ! Cavender. Row 3: M Tunnell C. Frazier, B. jones. D. Kentner, A Leach ! Winfrey. C. Brown. Row L L Quee~ G Aile~ C Moo•e. M Smart. N. McCox K. DoggeH, S. Hoffman~ Row z, E. Wolket K. &o~C Esso•x L &own. M Ell;, B. Dolh L Sloan. M He•oUJt Row 3o C frazier, E. Freitag E. Wood. T. jane• M Hommon• A Host~ter, A Ragland S. Driskell Row 4: L Collins. M Frazier, L Glewen. K. Cavender, M Tunnell. T. Moon M RouH. L Povlovo. B. jones. Row 5: B. Hunter. B. Chenault, C. Crowns. D. Holden L Dollin• A Jenkin' C McGill B. Haidet Row 6o L Easter. S. Smitl\ Pleosu•e. L Do•ify. ! Simpson. N. White, W Vawter.C. Templeton. Row ?:!Miller, M Flynn, B. Ragsdale. C F•ozie•. S. Bo•ker. N. Robert• A leocl\ M Shonkli~ Row 8o M Po.~ C &o~ D. Newburn. A De Torres. l Wimer. L jaks, A 1\olwas. Row L M Sollee. D Smitl\ K. Fief!\ K.Smitl\ B. Smitl\ E. Shodduci, N. Hillhouse. R Hammond B. Howell K. Miller, A Boilex Row 2o A Huffmo~ 5. Collier, L &umfield K. Persoile. H Stewart. L Maddox 5. B•ow~ M lee, H &itoin, L BoneH, 5. Dodso~ P Pridd~ Row 3A Comey, T. Wilhelm• C.C.ove• R Anderson. R Perrx H Robison. L Petersburg. S. Yaeger, B. Marberry. L Thompson.! Molina Row 4: L Ammerman. C. Wallace.) Cavender, C. lox A Stotom B. Malec A St•other RMcCox RMcReodx T. Tanne•. Row 5o K. Neill (sponso•), R Ro,obugl\ C Snell. ) Gibb• D. Wougl\ H Rice.) Snell. A Souza. B. Melche•• B. Tove•no•ougi't Row 6o ) Phillip' K. William• T. Overman. N. Howell C.Huffstutter, R Tucker, C. lhkeorha R Davis. M Maier. A Doughterx) Mognu• M Me.,ici. Row 7, M Horri' C Yote• L Phillip' B. 1\ehl R Hill 5. Roob, D. Denmon. ) Mo~e• M Fine!\ 5. Motloci. P Aiyude~ L Anderson. Row 8o ) Duckstei~ M 1\ell erme~er. T. M;, M Higginbotham L Page. B. i<Jogull. K. lee. K. Schle~er, E. locke. A Wesnoh~) Tesi't Row 9o) Gibb•) Smitl\ T. Kelton. T. Bennett N. Derris. l Fields. D. Denmon. llipcommon. D. Dunnagan. C Low 2 2 6 organizations ... Sophomore Ellie Hammons 1\erfoms with Belles and Beaux at the the end of the Harding lectureship on Sept 29. Belles and Beaux was comprised of 10 students who both sang and played \f.aFtdus instruments. jeff Montgomery ,I;< Freshmen joshua Anderson and Tyler Wolfe and iunior Tyler Overman perform several selections with the concert choir on Sept 27 to close out the lectureship activities. The group served the community through performances at places such as McPherson Prison. jeff Montgomery juniors Matt Flynn and Lindsey Glewen and sophomore Amberly Smith practice on Oct. 5 for their upcoming performance at Silver Dollar City in Branson, Mo. The group performed at the venue for the past 10 years for "Church of Christ" weekend. Ashe/ Parsons