Graduate Jamie Graham works with the toddlers at Hoven in Zambia during the summer of 2010 as a port of the communication sciences deportment's disorders trip to Zambia. Her group was port of language enrichment and feeding therapies for the babies and toddlers at the mission. Courtesy of Martha Vendetti Seniors Jennifer Makool and Andrea Cupp celebrate the Christmas season with fellow Communication Sciences and Disorders majors at the home of Professor Amy Boker Dec. 5. Everyone was encouraged to dress up as Christmas decorations. Ashe/ Parsons Senior Melissa Taber teaches junior Kelsey Collins and sophomore Melissa Nelson how to sign greetings. The Dactylology Club raised money for the Arkansas School for the Deaf. Alex Shelton Row 1 T. Aebi, K. Deibkhsh, F. Ramos, S Biellond. K. Culp. Row 2: ). Harris, K. Boyle, N. Sullenger, M )one~ S Fahey, M. )ones, L Schlabach, R Foster.! Little. Row 3:) Rucker (Sponsor), L Reynolds, D. Haggart (spollsor), l Green. TV 16 News Row 1 K. Culp, F. Ramos, K. Deibokhsh, S Biellond. T. Aebi. Row 2: K. Boyle, M. )ones, N. Sullenger. S. Fahey, M. )ones, L Schlabach, A More, ). Little. Row 3: D. Schilling, R Groce, ) Hardin, l Green,). Boyd. Row 4: Blackstone. L Reynolds. SPJ Row 1: H. Carroll,) Ervin, A Whiting, K. Akins. Row 2: K. Soto, A Hurst S. Kyle, K. Kokernot T. )ones Row 3: A Kellett, L Bucher. ). Adkinson. Row 4: ). Miller (sponsor), A Rosenbaum, C. Rummel.) Ardery SSHA Row 1 K. Cigoinero, ) Mokool. ). Wagner, H. Boronovic, B. FredericK A Chandler. C. Boyd. K. Collins. Row 2: S. Singer, B. johnson,) White, A Schroder. N. Anderson, C. Schultz. M. Mclain, S. Steiner, A Russel, ). Gorrisl'l Row 3: S Singer. S. Bowden, T. Chance (sponsor), L Tankersley, A Littleton, K. Kasper. D. Kentnec communication 213 ~