2010-2011 Yearbook

Senior Misquel Cojtin helps alumni Farley Miron at the business ethics seminar during the week of March 7, 2010. The International Business Society spoke in the Ukraine about business ethics at Ukraine's State University of Information on March 10, 2010. Courtesy of Lucy Marchena junior Daniel Avelar and senior Lucy Morcheno shore their service projects with the International Business Society During spring break of 2010, members of IBS hod the opportunity to go overseas to Ukraine for a business ethics seminar. Courtesy of Lucy Marchena Morcheno photographs the international business students with her video camera on the IBS trip to Ukraine. She was invited to join the team travelling to Ukraine in order to film, edit and produce a documentary of the trip. Courtesy of Lucy Morcheno lbs Row 1: L Morchena, C. Cuadra. S. Ruiz, S. Lopez, S. Wang, E. Diaz, ) Chen, W Mao. A Cojom Row 2: M De La Torre, W Walmer~ R Guillen, A Hernandez, S. Adcoc~ D. Hernandez, Sponsor N. Olive' Row 3: A Rodriguez, K. Rodriguez, F. Sanchez, C. Morales, F. Quiros Row 4: A Coello, K. Vargas, A Villalobos, D.MirrandQ Sponsor Dr. Hebe' Sife Row 1: B. Pieters, C. CuadrQ R Dean, K. Rodriguez. Row 2: Sponsor ) Shelton. ) Rucker. A Christian, M. Lanier, Sponsor R Brown. Row 3:) Elvi' Row 4: D. Alexander.) Alexander. D. Avelar, R Guillen. Row 1: K. Bickham. B. Ishmael, F. Sanchez. Row 2: K. Vargas,) Dollen. business 209