2010-2011 Yearbook

Sophomore Heather Gould illustrates the international side of Spring Sing in "The Show Must Go On." As port of Delta Gamma Rho, Chi Omega Pi and friends' "Bollywood" show, Gould was able to show the culture of Indio. jeff Montgomery The hosts, ensemble and members from each show donee together in the finale. In keeping with the theme, the lost song was ']ai Ho" from the 2008 movie "Siumdog Millionaire." jeff Montgomery Performing in the "Kids 'N' Kicks" show, sophomore Deanna Davenport, senior Kendall White and junior Laurel jenczyk get in touch with their inner child. The Regina, Oege, Chi Sigma Alpha and friends show took many students bock in time to their days at soccer practice. jeff Montgomery Junior Kelsey Koctor, senior Aleece Overturf. freshman Asia Pork and sophomore Meckoe-Lynn McColl perform their routine to benefit the Special Olympics. ""Rock and Roll All Night" was the winning oct. jeff Montgomery Sophomore Carson McGill leadsthe group in the "Do, Re, Mi" choreography after chapel on April?, 2010. This was the first year there was a pre-show, which mimicked the Aosh mob, or sudden donee routine, craze that first started in Manhattan. jeff Montgomery spring sing 15