2010-2011 Yearbook

On Dec. 3, Lisa Burley reshelves books in the Brockett Library Burley hod worked in Harding's library for six years as of 2010. Ashe/ Parsons Burley works in the reference section of the Brockett Library on Dec. 3. Burley hod also served as o Regina sponsor for three years. Ashe/ Parsons l~~(QJ Burley librarian and Regina sponsor As the E-Learning and Instruction Librarian since January 2006 and Regina sponsor for three years, Lisa Burley spent her days giving help and hope to all of the students she encountered. Burley had great dreams for her girls in Regina and dreams of success for all of the students she saw come through the library. Burley's job in the library kept her extremely busy. "I meet with all the Comp 1 and Comp 2 classes and many upper level and graduate research classes to introduce them to the concepts and tools of good research," Burley said. "I serve as the primary contact for the English department, Behavioral Science department, and the History and Social Science department. I work with our Systems Librarian, Brenda Breezeel, and our graduate assistants to digitize images and documents from Harding history." In addition to those items, she also kept the library website and blog upto-date. Aside from her work, Burley added, "I laugh a lot." Burley's attitude had a positive effect on the students and her coworkers. "Lisa keeps a very upbeat and positive attitude, and it seems to spread to those around her," Information Services Assistant for the library Katie Holmes said. "She is full of joy and that is very encouraging to me. She always has time to listen, and she genuinely cares about what is going on in each of her friends' lives. Laughing with Lisa is one of my favorite things about working at the library." One of the greatest rewards of Burley's job was her involvement in the history digitalization project. "Harding history is my history and being able to help preserve and make 160 leadership it avai Iable to others is very rewarding," Burley said. The second reward Burley gained from her job was the relationships she was able to make with the students. "Since I'm not a full time teacher, I get to interact with students in more of a supportive role," Burley said. "I don't give grades; I don't judge their work. I'm just here to help them, which gives me a different kind of relationship than a classroom teacher would have. I want to challenge them to see the world from a larger frame and understand that even when you don't agree with someone.-~ou can still listen to their ideas and be kind and respectful of them and their:.Perspective." As a sponsor fCf-·Regina, Burley influenced many girls. "Being asked to be a Regina sponsor was as much of an honor as getting a bid from them 2&p,tls years ago," Burley said. "I'm so thankful to have the opportunity to giv~ack." Burley loved gi.ving back, but the members also loved having her as a sponsor. "Lisa has been somewhat of a mentor to me, even though she probably doesn't realize it," senior and president of Regina Rachel Ranchino said. "She is very selfless and always puts other people's problems and concerns above her own. I don't know where Regina would be without her." Burley worked hard at every task she was given and made a difference in many students' lives through her job in the library and her job as a sponsor. Burley did not expect for her job situation or life to end up exactly the way it did, but it was for a good reason that it did. "God knew what I needed and he led me here," Burley said. Mackenzie Lee