2010-2011 Yearbook

David Cole, Ph.D., Prof./Chair Chem. Ava Conley, M.A., Prof. Spanish/Dept. Charr Steve Cooper, M.S., Asst. Prof. Bio. Amy Cox, M.B.A., Asst. Prof. Art/Drr. Int. Dsgn. Gerald Cox, M.L.S. lnterlib. Srvs. Librarian/Asst. Prof. Scot Crenshaw, Ph.D., Assoc. Prof. Preach./Church Missions Reel Cronk, Ph.D., Assoc. Prof. Business Luke Cullins, M.A., lnstr. Kins./Asst. FB Mark Cullum, Ph.D., Asst. Prof. Kin. Shawn Daggett,Th.D., Assoc. Prof., Dir. Ctr. W id. Missions Greg Davenport, M.P.A.S., Asst. Prof. PA Jill Davis, M.S., lnstr. Math Crystal Deas , Pharm.D. , Asst. Prof. Pharm. Prac. Allen Diles, Ph.D., Asst. Prof. Bible Jared Dockery, Ph.D., Asst. Prof. History Faye Doran, Ed.D., Prof. Art Ron Doran, M.S., Prof. Biology Carol Douglass, Ed.D., Assoc. Prof. Edu. Maribeth Downing, Ph.D., Prof. Edu. Gene Dugger, M.S., Prof. Comp. Sci./Math Debbie Duke, Ed. D., Prof. Math Kelly Elander, M.A., Asst. Prof. Comm. Morris Ellis, Ph.D., Prof. Comm. Wendy Ellis, Ed .D., Asst. Prof. Edu./Dir. Grad Reading Conn ie El rod, Ed .D., NLR Prof. Ctr./Asst. Prof. Mark Elrod, Ph.D., Prof. Poli. Sci. Lisa Engel, M.S.N., Asst. Prof. Nursing Denise Fisher, Ph.D., Asst. Prof. FCS Jennifer Fisher, M.S., lnstr. Comm. Sci. & Dis. Shawn Fisher, M.Ed., lnstr. History Chaney Floyd, Ed.D., Assoc. Prof. Edu. Debbie Ford, M.S. W., Assoc. Prof. Social Work Gabriel Foust, M.S., lnstr. Comp. Science AI Frazier, Ph.D., Assoc. Prof. Busmess/Dept. Chair Mgmt. Shane Fullerton, M.Ed., Asst. Prof. of Speech/Asst. Womens BB Coach Cliff Ganus, Prof. Mus./Dir. Choral Activities Pat Garner, Ph.D., Prof. Speech Zane Gastineau, Ph.D., Assoc. Prof./Chair Eng. Lana Gettman, Pharm.D., Asst. Prof. David Goff, Ph.D., Asst. Prof. Chem. Noble Goss, Ph.D., Assoc. Prof./Dir. Mens lntramurals Jim Gowen, M.A.T., Assoc. Prof./Dir. Mens lntramurals Kay Gowen, M.S., Assoc. Prof. Comm. _Joe Goy, Ph.D., Assoc. Prof. Biology Ed Gray, Professor of Counseling Grogan, Ed.S., Asst. Prof. Edu. Nathan Guy, M.Phil., lnstr. Bible Shaya Hancock, MAT., lnstr. Kines. Ronnie Harlow, M.S.E., Asst. Prof./Head Athletic Trainer Greg Harris, Ph.D., Soccer Coach/Asst. Prof. Jackie Harris, M.N.Sc., Asst. Prof. Nursing Julie Harris, Ph.D., Assoc. Prof. History. Kayla Haynie, M.A., Asst. Prof. Engl1sh Paul Haynie, Ph.D., Prof. History faculty 153