2010-2011 Yearbook

dean of students focuses on relationships 146 1eodership He was described byhiscolleagueswiththeutmost respect and sincerity. "He is genuine, fair, consistent and trustworthy," Assistant Dean of Students Zach Neal said. When his name was mentioned to others, there was not a single negative comment made. "He is a true friend, colleague and brother in Christ," Associate Dean of Students Stuart Varner said. Who was this notable person on campus? He held various titles: "Dean," "Dr.," "DC," and "the Vice President of Student Life." His name: David Collins. Perhaps the most significant characteristic that set him apart as a strong leader was Collins' Christian character. "In every situation I have observed, I have seen him consistently show his concern for students, his knowledge of policy and school law and Christian integrity," Assistant Dean of Students Sheri Shearin said. Collins consistently intorporated the qualities and ethics of a servant of Christ into his everyday activities~.the Dean of Students. "He is a godly man who truly cares for students and their well being," Varner said. Collins stayed busy with ;th~esponsibilities that his job entailed. He oversaw the Office of Student Life, whic# involved a multitude of tasks in various areas of the university, including workingwith the Office of Residence Life, First Year Experience, Student Impact, the Office of Campus Life, the Campus Activities Board and health and disabilities services. Collins considered his primary job to be working through the students' lives, whether on an individual basis or for the student body as a whole. Growing up with educators as parents, Collins had always appreciated the importance of quality education. He began his career teaching high school biology, chemistry and physical science for 10 years while simultaneously coaching cross-