2010-2011 Yearbook

My dream job would be making money doing what I love to do - photography. Photography and the ability to capture emotions in time became junior Chaney Mitchell's passion during high school, and since then, her camera has always been at her side. "I got started in photography because I have always seen things differently than other people," Mitchell said. After high school graduation, Mitchell was presented with the opportunity to work alongside a wedding photographer in Midland, Tex. She happily accepted and since then had shot between 20-30 weddings. Mitchell said she liked weddings because there were so many opportunities to take candid shots, and there was always an unlimited amount of small details. "I enjoy telling and showing these couples their story," Mitchell said. After shooting numerous weddings, Mitchell realized she could see a future in the profession. She chose to attend the Art Institute of Austin, where she hoped she could develop her passion for photography into a career.While she did learn a lot there, Mitchell said she just did not feel like she fit in. Being a longtime Harding advocate, she transferred to Harding in the fall of 2010. "At my old school, nobody would talk to each other in class and there was absolutely no campus life," Mitchell said. "When I got to Harding, it was unbelievable how many people came up to me and introduced themselves like they really cared about me." Mitchell decided to major in print journalism at Harding with hopes of using her degree to further her photography career. Junior Clare Brown said it was Mitchell's keen eye for details that made her photography really stand out. "Chaney is really good at making a point to bring her camera along even when we'r~ just with friends hanging out," Brown said . "Ithink that's really cool because it shows that she captures just every day moments in her photography." Mitchell's suitemate, junior Bethany Johnson, expressed how glad she was that Mitchell chose Harding fo1· her education, allowing them to become close friends. "I had met Chaney once or twice before she came to Harding but didn't really know her that well," Johnson said. "She moved into our suite at the beginning of the semester, and it seems like she has been here since freshman year." Mitchell's future plans included obtaining a master's in photography and doing editorial photography for a magazine or newspaper. From photographing friends' weddings at Harding to seeing her photos on the covers of acclaimed magazines, Mitchell had big goals and a big passion for capturing the emotions of life with a single click of the camera. "My dream job would be making money doing what I love to do-photography," Mitchell said. Gina Cie/o Lydia Dickey Kari Fontenault Lauren Gaidosik Melinda Gross Kristin Hall I ' Kimberly Hawkins Amanda Hurt Mari Ishii Emily johnson Conor Kirkman second semester second semester 131 :;L