2010-2011 Yearbook

I do not remember a time in my life when I was not fascinated by other countries and their cultures and languages. To say the least. graduate student Natalie Oliver's family was extended. With the help of her father, grandfather and great-uncle, who all worked in the College of Business, Oliver traveled all over the world to get to know the rest of the family: her brothers and sisters in Christ. As a graduate student completing her MBA, Oliver also worked in the College of Business as deputy director for Harding Character Initiative (HCI). "We facilitate business seminars in Eastern Europe and Central America on the importance of character and ethics in business and how to start and run a small business," Oliver said. Oliver spent four weeks of her past summer in Central America with the HCI. "Part of the time I was coordinating HCI's summer seminar at Baxter Institute in Tegucigalpa, Honduras," Oliver said. "The other part was for pleasure, visiting many of the wonderful friends I have made through the Walton Scholar program and meeting their families." Through her passion for international relations, Oliver had met many people. Junior Carlos Morales said he admired Oliver for her friendliness with other cultures. "She has been really helpful, always receiving the students when they come to Hebert's office with a big smile," Morales said. "I feel really comfortable with her because I feel that she is almost like us, almost like a Central American. I can trust in her without problems." Oliver had always been intrigued with learning about other cultures. "I do not remember a time in my life when I was not fascinated by other countries and their cultures and languages," Oliver said. "God made us all so unique and diverse, and I love learning about the similarities and differences between people." As a graduate student, Oliver had plans to continue working with her father and grandfather and also returning to Central America. She planned to return to Central America to coordinate and facilitate campaigns in Honduras and Panama, as well as to visit Guatemala, Nicaragua, Costa Rica and El Salvador. Until then, Natalie would enjoy being surrounded by both family and diverse friends. "When God is ready to move me on, I'll go, but until then I'll continue enjoying the Harding experience and the blessings God has given me here," Oliver said. Caitlin Caldwell · .. Jion Li Hoifeng Liang Allison Porker Ellie Poe Loromy Reed Sarah Roy Lyndi Wolhuter graduate 12 7