2010-2011 Yearbook

While most studentSwereparticipating in club sports or hanging out in their dorm rooms, freshman Katie Long was putting her three-year-old son Chay down to bed. Long became pregnant at age 15, and since the birth of her son, Chay Long, she became a different person. She learned to live without regret and knew that everything happened for a reason. "After I had Chay, my whole like pretty much turned around," Long said. "It was nothing really but a blessing." Instead of questioning God, Long understood God's plan for her better than ever. Wh1le being young was a struggle as she began to raise Chay, she embraced the situation and continued w1th her rigorous day-to-day schedule. In high school, Long took AP classes, was yearbook editor and worked a part-time job. "My motivation was mainly Chay," Long said. "I wanted to do better so I could provide for him." According to Long, her mother and close friends were also a tremendous help. She knew that with her willpower and support system, she could live her life as normally as possible. As Long searched for a college to attend, she remembered coming to Uplift as a child. When she thought about the good times she had had at Uplift and how much she had enjoyed the people, she knew it was God's plan for her to come to Harding. Long was the f1rst to admit that her life was very different from the average Harding college student Her weeknights and weekends revolve around Chay, and she c14uld only start her homework once he had gone to bed. " __ "You have to time man~e everything double what a normal college does," Long said. Even with her busy sched'd'le, Long decided to go through induction week in ol-der to join sociallitlub Zeta Rho. With the help of her mother, Long was able to participate in all of the events. "[Katie] is just really good at managing her time wh1 le making time for Chay as well as making time for her social life," junior Brigitte Roberts said. Long's future plans included attending a two-year progl-am where she could become an occupational therapist assistant She hoped after those two years, she could begin working and eventually buy a house, where she could support Chay on her own. "Katie has a lot on her plate, but she's a great mom and student," freshman Whitney Maharry said. "She always stays so positive and cheerful even while juggling potty training and school work." Gina Cielo freshmen 12 3