2010-2011 Yearbook

Many people have been blessed with talent, but few are willing to give that talent back to God. Freshman Katie Fieth was one of those rare people who was strong and courageous enough to use her gifts to bless others. "I have always loved to sing," Fieth said. Fieth had taken vocal lessons since the sixth grade and spent years singing around her house. She never considered music as a possible career until she was a junior in high school, however. That year, with the support of her parents and friends, Fieth was introduced to a producer and subsequently began recording and performing her music. "When I first heard Katie sing, I felt that she was a diamond in the rough," Fieth's producer David Browning said. "She had this innocence to her voice, but she was dying to be powerful. I was also taken aback by her heart and passion for music in ministry." People close to Fieth were also struck by the talent she possessed. "The first time I heard [Katie] sing, we were sitting together in service singing worship songs," sophomore Chelsea Hunt said. "I could immediately tell her voice was particularly amazing." Fieth recorded contemporary and pop rock Christian music with the help of her producer. While the song writing and recording processes were amazing experiences for her, she felt that the best part was the reaction she received from her fans. "The most memorable moments from this experience so far come after someone hears [a song] and responds," Fieth said. "This encourages me to keep doing it Their responses stay with me. They are lives I can say Itouched through Christ" Fieth hoped to turn her gift of singing and music into a ministry for Christ "I currently sponsor a child through Compassion International, and I would love to become a Compassion artist one day to promote their work at my concerts," Fieth said. Fieth's life matched up with the positivity of her lyrics. "I love Katie's attitude," Browning said. "She is a very hard worker and she always wears a sm iIe. I could be having a terrible day and she would walk in and light up the room. How could you stay upset? She has such an infectious personality." Fieth said she planned on going on tour soon '~nd had high hopes for her music career, and everyo~­ who witnessed her passion also had faith that this would happen. ..,. "Because Katie is kingdom-focused, she will d~ great," Browning said. "I believe in and love working with people who have that heart for people.You don't find them often. If Katie continues with her current mission-based mindset, finds her niche market and continues to put out great songs, she will have a lasting career and will change lives eternally." Fieth also had high hopes for her singing career. "I hope that people will hear my music and be impacted as much as I have been by it already to turn their lives over to God," Fieth said. "Everything has fallen into place in two years and so many doors have been opened, which keep on reassuring me I am called to serve Christ through my music. This is where God has led me." Mackenzie Lee pe that ople will hear my music and be impacted as much as I have been to turn their lives over to freshmen 121