2010-2011 Yearbook

I,absolutely love being Its really what defined a big brother. my personality. GrOw I • n g Up Q n "I absolutely love being a big brother," Stevens said. "It's really various military bases what defined my personality." with eight siblings, sophomore Ben Stevens did not live an ordinary Stevens was always given a lot of responsibility, especially when childhood by any means. his two-year-old sister, Esther, was diagnosed with diabetes. Stevens Stevens' father was an officer in the U.S. Air Force, and because was pulled out of school and taken to Arkansas Children's Hospital, of this, Stevens had lived a life of traveling, living in California, Texas, where he took college level classes on how to care for someone Arkansas, Alabama, England and Germany. with diabetes. From then on, he was responsible for her well-being, One of Stevens' most vivid memories from his childhood came making sure she had her shots and everything she needed. r--------:1 W!lLSe tember 11,2001. His family was living on the base in England "That was just one of those situations where I had to grow up when the tragea struck. e base as immediately locked down, really fast," Stevens said. and he remembered being scared to C:lea n 5ec·aose Aeither-bis._.~_C_oming to Harding was definitely a transition for Stevens, as he mom nor his dad were home. After many hours of waiting anxiously, earned olive GRJ:\is own surrounded by friends instead of family. Stevens was reunited with his parents, and since then Stevens said While he was a bit homesicK 1s first semesteFr-£tev.~d his family had grown much closer. warmed up to Harding and became involved not only on campus>----- "After9/11, a lot of security was imported to the base; there were but also in the community. more checks when going off and on the base, cars were searched "I help coach the Searcy High wrestling team -that was a big r------ar:ld penQie were searched and arrested," Stevens said. thing," Stevens said. "And I'm on campus a lot, so meeting people Stevens reca eo one event io wblch the base was infiltrated. has been a big part of being at Harding. But also I call my mom Since the base was a transmission hub, his fathemad beeA wG~kiog every week, and I talk to my brothers all the time." satellites. Stevens said the infiltrators came in and tore down the Stevens saiEi-ti:1a ~a · g,has__ellowed him to learn more about sate II ites. himself and grow as a Christian. e natrexpefieAGed so things "The base went crazy; there was firing, there were people being in his life, and he said it felt good to be in one place. ~~·••<>~.;;.;:;:.;;_ _____ .J shot and arrested all over," Stevens said. "I've moved around a lot and seen the world, but I probably need Being the eldest of eight siblings, Stevens was often left to take to calm down, set some roots and start a family," Stevens said. care of his brothers and sisters while living on the various bases. Gino Cielo Brittany Tovernoro Koelyn Tovernit Robert Toylor Rochoel Thornish Benjamin Thomas Lauren Thompson Kelsi Todd Gory Torres Ryan Tucker Cory Verner Rachel Wolters Jacqueline Word 102 people Jennifer Wornert Alex Warzecha Alison Way Shone Weare