2009-2010 Yearbook

. 7:at expression, "broadening your horizons," was one that could be applied to sophomore Ashel Parsons literally. Most college students arrived at school with at least a driver' s li – cense and sometimes a car to go along with it. Few, however , showed up with a pilot's license. " I wanted to be an astronaut, but I did not want to be a scientist so I thought the best way was to learn how to fly." Parsons said. Parsons grew up in Dunwoody, Ga. and moved to Searcy in the ninth grade where she began taking flying lessons from a personal instructor. By the time she was 17 Parsons had already obtained her student, or solo, license. At 18, she got her private p ilot license. Parsons could only fly (oUl'-seater, single engine planes, but she continues to fly to build hours and gain experience so she could obtain her multi -engine ra ting and her instrument rating. Parsons did not know what would happen with h er flying talent , but she did not want to throw it away. She wanted to earn her multi - engine rating so she could one day be a commercial pilot. "I decided I do not want to be an astronaut, but I still enjoy flying," she said. During the schoo l year Parsons said sh e still tried to fly at least once a week. ., Anytime she was not p,·acticing her skills in the air, Parsons kept up a busy agenda on the ground . A public relations major, Parsons also had an ensemble role in th e Homecoming musical. "Scrooge," was athletic director for her club Pi Theta Phi and worked as an R.A. for Sears women's dorm . "It can be overwhelming, but I love to stay busy doing good things," Parsons sa id. Parsons said she loved to experien ce new things and take any oppor– tunity she could to allow herself to grow. She considered trying to be the co - pilot for the Harding plane, but unfortunately h er busy sched– ule did not allow her to gel her application in on time. "It was probably a good thing because I'm so busy this semester," she said. Parsons felt blessed for her the opportunity she had to learn to fly and for the support she received from h e r parents. She still hoped to fly for Harding one day and said she would encou rage anyone to try flying . " It is very time consuming and a lot of studying and testing but it is worth it," she said. Roberto McGowan "Wh It. -hel came into my room during visitiation for Pi Theta Phi, .n~ .'~ 86 peop le I asked h er, 'What is somet hing no one would know about you. e d d with 'I'm a pilot' Right then I knew she was legit and now respon e ECITI" that I have gotten to know her more , Ashel Parsons is so L . - BethAnne Colvin .. • -