2009-2010 Yearbook

everyOn e seemed to know who LaRel l Reynolds was, but how man y people rea lly knew him? Chances we l'e t hat a large number of stu – dents were fr iends wit.h him on Facebook, but who knew that he in terned as a prod uct ion assistant dur ing th e summe r o f 200 9 ? The r e was more to Reynold s th an anyone knew. "Going to Harding was a completely n ew expe rience for me ," Reynolds sa id. ' 'I'd never even seen th e campus, so I had to nod a way to connect with people. " Reynolds , ajunior e l(ctronic media productio n major from Dumfr ies, Va., used Facebook as his way tQ,con n ect to the new atmosphere. "Adding people on Facebodk was my way of getting to know them," Reyno lds said . " )' d meet you , t hen add Y?U as a friend. " sistant on two independen t films . "The exper ience was once in a lifetime," he said . " I even got cr edit on t he Intern et Movi e Database for one o f the films call ed '6 No nsmokers.' If you Coogle me you can find it. " Reynolds took part in Harding University Creece (H UG) his sophomore year, and his experience overseas broadened his woddview. " It's such a humbling experience to live in a different cultur e, " he said. "You appreciate the little things so much more." After-returning to t he U.S . Reynolds came to .the co nclusion that maybe h is talents in m~dia production could be used to h elp spread the Gospel. "The whole expe rien ce makes me wan t to share my talents with other peo– pie," Reynolds said. "We all have different strengths, and media production is mine. I feel that Cod can use all of our talents to further His Word . " C areer and educat ion goals aside , Reynolds h oped to be an inspiratio n to his friends. As a fr eshman , Reyn olds ql.. ick1y became involved ih the communications department joinin g the Nation atBroadcast Society and gett ing involved in TV16. His involvement in these ac tiviti es helped him toward his goal of eventually working in television. "My dream job would be to work in L.A. in th e ente l·tainment industry," " ) want everyon e to h ave a smile on their face; that' s my goal in life: to spread Reynolds said. "I'm interes ted in all of it: rea li ty televisio n ;, n etwork affili ate joy:". he said. " I 'm ,n ot afraid of being judged b eca:se I' m h a.ppy. ~llOever sa id statio ns , movies. Any of th ose careers would be so much fun. sm Iling constantly IS bad? If I see you , I want to brighte n yoJ!. day. Reynolds also interned in Maryland this past summe l' as a production as- '"' t Emil y Gastellum : "LaRell is a fun, " interesting. k s things h t always eep son t a outgoing per \\~~ ~ Gabrielle Pruitt Sophomore juniors 73