2009-2010 Yearbook

cJt was midnight. Harding's campus was officially shut down. In addition to more meetings, the SA also me t and worked closely with The doors wel'e locked, the faculty membe rs were home and representatives from all club organizations and the Campus Activities the lights we re off. All but one. Board. Together, CAB and the SA planned and hosted movie nights on In the back of the student center, between the mailboxes and Taco the front lawn and other events throughout the yeal', Bell, one office was ~tiU alive. One computer was slill operating. One "The SA is the only body on campus that every student is a member p er son was still worlUng. Senior Student Associat io n Pn!sident Bryan of," Clifton said. "We want to get people plugged into Harding in as Clifton was pUlting in long h ours ... again. many ways as possible. " Clifton, along with other SA members, began planning for the 2009 - Clifton also strived to help students focus mO I'e on service. The theme 10 school year since his elec\ ion last April. Clifton's goal was for H arding fO I' the year wa; "empowe r. " In this effort , the SA challenged students to students to strive for success .k.. rai se money in "The World vs . Texas" campaign. The money raised went "This campus has so much potential," Clifton said. "When we put our to 18- month old Christin e Clemmons of Searcy fo r a lung transplant. resources together , th e re is no limit to what we can accomplish." All these events and changes took an enormous amount of effort. To attain this goal, Clifton made some changes in the SA. Instead o f According to SA Vice PresidentJordan Stanley, Clifton was the man for meeting every two weeks as in previous years, Clifton held a meet ing once th e job. each week. "Bcyan is very organized and is great at delegating work,"Sta« ley said. "We are a legitimate, functioning organization ," Clift on said. 'We "Every day he is in the office, until midnight or late r. H e's d o ing so much want to be mor e visible and let the student body know that the SA can and 1.~ make things happen. " will get things done on campus. " . Stanley also mention ed that , because of Clifton's prior experiences Clifton also encouraged campus unity. The SA hosted the Hun in the SA, he knew exactly who to contact and how to get things (Harding University Dormitory)' Cup to support commun i ty in the accomplished. dorms. They also planned to hold a H arding World Cup in the spring '''' Bryan is a good liaison. He' s personal and professional ," Stanley of 2010, incorporating different countries' teams and letting the said. "Students feel comfortable enough to approach him with ideas, and international students play fOI' their country. he can also stand in fl'ont of the Board of T rustees and pl'esent ideas . " "The SA is looking to create events that foster student to student Clifton set the bar high for Student Association in years to come. relationships and student to faculty relationships , " Clifton said. Janet Orgain ___ -------:::::::~::::::::~:=,~:i:,:\e:ad:e:,,:h~iP 54 people