r titJean staffwri te l' senior J ennifez' Gibson sat down with se– niorJT Hill , to talk about what some people have always wanted to know: What is it like to be JT? J ohn-Thomas Emil Hill was a se nior from Berth oud. Colo. H e was a General Studies maj o r and after graduation he planned to put off the real world for a few more years thl'ough grad schoo l an d/o r law schoo l. Petitjean: Wh o or wha t led you to come to Harding? JT: My brother and sister both came to H ardi ng and I enjoy confo rmi ng so it just made se n se. ( Petitjean: You afe in Knighis social club. Tell me about what you guys al'e about, signature things you guy, d o and your supposed obsess ion with argyle? JT: As for Knights, I like to t hik'k that our motto , Cod first, othe l's secon d, self last pretty much says it all. But I'm about to take the GRE and LSAT so analogies are on the brain and I would say that Knights are to campus as Disney Princesses are to little girls' hearts. Knights. to use an analogy popularized by th e hit romant ic comedy H itch, are like an iceberg as in 65% o f our mass is beneath the surface . The 35% that people see comes from TheJoust. o ur black and green jerseys, our an noying and n oisy behavior in th e caf and t he Knights' symbol graffiti that can be found over every spa I'e cent imeter of surface area on campus . I wish I could tell you about the 65% beneath the su rface. but aU I can say is tha t we make Skull and Bones look tame. And OUI' obsessi on with a l'gyle is tmly a symbol for our obsession with all things styl ish, classy and iron ic . Petitjean : How long have you been a beau fo r Ju GoJu? H ow did yo u feel when you were beaued? And how h as your life changed since you became a beau for the cuti e pies? , JT: I've been a beau 'for Ju Go Ju since March of2009 . When I go t beaued it felt like I wo n an Oscar, was the No . I pick in the NBA draft and was the first man to walk on the moon all at once. My li fe has really chan ged in in n umer– able ways since I was b eau ed for the greatest gir ls club o n campus . Let 'sj ust say that I now keep track of time as BB and AB for before beau and after beau. Everything' s different now and my life will neve r he the same . Petitjean: What 's a day in the life ofJT Hi ll li ke? 52 people en ougn to see , been fortunate be'S h ad. and ranY.sler but \ ve "Bi.b\e study that . '-- kn0.... J1 as a 'P r ve attended a ,_ - '7 ___ ~ \, ""~go' " nO~ " RC;--/" .- . "Some peo'P. o. tOr three yea . ,tu a\ giant. ,~ ~'~-=------ hi.s spiritua\ Sl e· fri end, he's a s'P 1r /,' . ~ - pete Davidso n h e's more than a _~s~'~n:'~o:,~,::::",:-_---- ======--~ JT: A day in the life ofJT Hill is pretly much the same as yo ur average Hard – ing stud ent except it has 35% more awkward moments, 17% more laughs , 20% more tea rs, 80% less trips to ch eck my mailbox and 50% more caf Fren ch fdes whh 10% more salt. P e titj ean: Rumor has i t that you often try to po se as oth er students for yea r – book photos . Is it true? JT: Well , every year wh en the time comes for yearbook photos I go through a tiny iden tity c ri sis. It makes me th ink about who I am, how I've ch an ged in th e past yea r , and h ow I want to be remembered down through the ages in th e in fa – mous Petit j ean . This inner anxi ety then manifests itself in this desire to be and be I'emembel'ed as as many other peopl e as I can. Plus, I want people to playa Where's Waldo? type game called Wh er e's JT? in the Petitj ea n. P etitjean: \Vhile di n ing in the caf, we all know you must get creat ive to satiSfy th e tas te buds . What has been your greatest masterpiece o f d eliciousn ess? J T: l ance guilt - u' ipped my friend 's girlfriend into making me a magical di sh consisting o f a waffle with rainbow spri nkles cooked in it. It was my taste buds' and my self esteem's favorite moment in the cafetorium. .. .. ~etitJean: Ifyo u could give Dr. Burks some advice, wh at would it b e? JT: I would tell Dr. Burks to be choosier with the roles h e plays in chape l vid– eos . Quality over quantity: lo ok what happened t o Samuel L. Jackson . Petitjean: What 's your ideal first date? JT: It would be in a church and all our friends and family would be ther e. The girl and I would stand in front of them and sh e'd be weal'inga white dress and all her best friends would be behind h er in matching dresses and I'd be in a tux – edo as would all my fr iends who would be standing behind me. There'd also be a priest th ere who would say some vows for my date and I to recite, after wh ich we would exchange expensive rings to wear for the rest of o u r lives . At the end we wou ld kiss and sh e would have a new last name for some r eason. Petitj ean: Do you have anyth ing else you'd like to add? J T: I'd just like to say that Harding is one of the greatest places on ea rth and I ca n on ly hope that I've done it justice during my stint he re as a student. Also. I hope more people will start going to " Ignored Sonic" on Race Street out on t he way to H eb er. It'sjusl as close and is 10 times nicer than the other Sonics.