2009-2010 Yearbook

drive from where the HULA group lives. Juniors Lauren Bucher and Amy Ellis, senior Joseph Sawyer and junior Kaley Crum watched the sunset on May 16. Courtesy of Christine Harrison After lunch on a tour In CUICO, Peru, junior weston Castleburg, sophomores Hayley Houston, Robbie Dillard and Christine Harrion pet a llama. The group toured the ruins at Ollantaytambo on March 23. Courtesy of Kalin Caruthers HULA director Tom Hook, seniors Kalin Caruthers and Susan Orozco, junior Bryce Dickeron, senior Sasha Tallion and junior Westan Castleberg go Whitewater rafting in the lake region of Chile on March 23. Each raft with students had a guide that would tell them which side to paddle on and direct them through the rapids. Courtesy of Kalin Caruthers Spending the day In the city of Con-Con, junior Amy Ellis and sophomore Christine Harrison went horseback riding in April. They rode through shrubbery, sand dunes and along the beach, and later that day wen t kayaking and zip lining. Courtesy of Kalin Caruthers On April 18 junior Lauren Bucher and seniors Kalin Caruthers and Julia Petty join in a soccer game against Chileans from the church they attended. The church was a 15-minute subway ride from their home. Courtesy of Julia Petty hula 41