2009-2010 Yearbook

Junior Bethany Howell visits Stirling Castle in Scotland on Sept. 19. Stirling Castle dated back to the 14th century and has been through at least eight seiges. Courtesyof Erin Williams In May. junior Lauren Treat. sophomore Katie Vick. senior Tessa Deaton. juniors Sydney Clyde. junior Sammi Bjelland and junior Kellee Dejbakhsh . sophomore Josh Wolfe. junior Ashley Houston. senior Megan Leonard. junior Rlna Min and sophomore Carmen Lynn visit Platform 9 3/4 at King's Cross Station in London. The platform is a tribute to the Harry Potter Series by J.K. Rowl ing where the characters use the platform. invisible to humans. as a way to get into the wizard world . Courtesy of Lauren Treat Sophomore Daniel Wickliff visits Hadrian's Wall on Sept. 22. Daniel bought a kilt on a trip to Scotland. Courtesy of Erin Williams Juniors lauren Hackney and Annalise lester take a day trip to Stonehenge on May 26. "I thought Stonehenge was amazing because of the mystery of how the stones got to be where they are, " Lester said . Courtesy of Annalise Lester Waiting for a tour of Windsor Castle. juniors Ke llee Dejbakhsh. Sammi Bj.,lIand and Annalise Lester pose on May 26. Windsor Castle was the largest inhabited castle in the world at 484,000 square feet . Courtesy of Annalise Lester hue 39