2009-2010 Yearbook

Spring Break Campaigns F - or some of the students who took part in spring break miss ion trips, the good work being done ended along with the week. They came back to school and possibly never again saw those they helped. But for others. a spring break mission was just the beginning of relation ships formed an d services rendered between students and the peop le tar– geted on those missions. Sophomore Emily Sansom, an d seniors I::indsay Bolton, Tori Dobbs and InaBeth Donaldson committed to spending the i r spring break in Catamas, Honduras , helping kids and their familie s in need. The work in – cluded digging latrines for families, helping care fo r children at a disabled orphanage and paint ing. "The o r phanage had just built a wall that divided their large front I'oom into a toy room and a new dining I'oom," Sansom said. "Pre– viously, the child ren had been eati n g outside where the flies and in sects would get into th ei r meals. So we got to turn the new dining room into a wo r k of art." In addition to accompl ishing these projects for the people in Catamas, the gr oup got to witness the physical and emolional improve – ment of the kids eve n from just one week of being there. "It was God's hand at work th at wee k, th e r e is no doubt," Donaldson said. "A little gir l named Pattie was ditching the wheelchair for a sturdy hand to hold while she walked. A boy named Anton io, who was chained up to keep him from h u rt i ng h imsel f was f l'ee of h is chains when we left !" Sansom said she started u sing her spring break as a lime to do missions when she was a senior in h igh school. "There is no better way to sp end your spring break than showing Cod's love to or – phans," she said . For Bolton , Dobbs an d Donaldson , this was their first time on a miss ion t r ip. Al l of the women agreed that the b es t thing they did was just spe nding tilne with the children and show– ing them the love of God. " For me it was a wonderful reali ty check that the Lord has b lessed me with so much ," Dobbs said. The gi rls were involved in supporti n g the people they met in Hondura s even after they returned fro m the trip. "Since last spri ng we have raised money for the orphanage as well as co llected diapers and supplies to be shi pped ," Donaldso n said . The experience had su ch an impact on Donaldso n that she and her famil y also decid – ed to spend Christmas in Honduras. The work done on this campaign con tinued to have last– ing e ffects on both those that went and those who were served . "This trip was not a single campaign for any of u s involved but a call to a ministry in need, " Donaldso n said . Roberto McGowan and Emily HauptJi spring break campaigns 29