2009-2010 Yearbook

Cleveland, Megan (Sop homore) Clevenstine, Jason (Senior) Click, Tiffany (Sophomore) 26, Click, Kelli (Senior) 263 Click, Austin (Senior) Clift, Kim (Graduate) C lifton, Bryan (Senior) 230 , 231, 240 Clifton, Cody (junior) 258 Cline, joseph (Sophomore) 261,272 C linkscale, Charlotte (Graduate) Clinton, john (Freshman) Close, Luke \Junior} 261 C louse, Staci (Graduate) Clouse, Matth ew (Graduate) C lutter, Mollie (Fr eshman) Clyde, Sydney (Junior) '3, 39, 210, 2" Coats, Lisa (Graduat e) Cobb, Katherine (GI'aduate) Cobb, Ethan (Freshman) Cobb, Troy (Senior) 204 , 260 Cobb, Harrison (Senio r) 190, ' 91 , 234, 238, 240 Cobb, Melinda (GI'aduate) Cobb, Amber (Graduate) Coble, Kasey (Freshman) Cochran, Christop her (Senio r) Cochran, Allen (junior) 44 , 45, 214, 223,240 Cochran, Rach el (Graduate) Cochrane, Kelly (Graduate) Cocke, Davis (Freshman) 259, 278 Coello, Allans (Junior) 204, 236 Cofe r , Samuel (Senior) 203 , 204, 212 Co ffe l, Sherry (Graduate) Coffey, Kerri (Senior) 235, 262 Coffey, Hannah (Freshman) Cogdell, Kristen (Junior) Coggins, Brandon (PR) Cohen, jeremy \Juni or) Cojom, Alma (Freshman) 212 COj tin, Misael (Junior) 204, 212 Coker, Jamie (Graduate) Colburn, Kasey (Freshman) Colburn, Marian (G z'aduate) Cole, Kendel (Junior) Cole, Alexander (junior) Cole, Kimberely (G r aduate) Coleman, Shanda (Graduate) Colema n, Caleb (Graduate) Coles, Susan (Graduate) Colley, Audrey (Graduate) Collie r, Frank (Senior) Colli er, Preston (Gr aduate) Colli ns, judith (Senior) Collins, Addison (Freshman) 199, 260 Collins, Robert ( Freshman) Colli ns, Darryl (Junior) Collins, Kelsey (Sop homore) 216 Collins, Shawn (Graduate) Collins, Beth (Graduate) Collins, DeAnna (Gr aduate) Collins, Kelli (PB) Collins, Heather (GI'aduate) Collins, Marvina (Junior) Collins . Kristen (Jun ior) 262 Collins, Layne (Junior) 223, 262 Collins, Charissa (Se nior) 238 , 240, 262 Collum, Jared (Sophomore) 259, 261 Collyge, Carly (Graduate) Coivett, Ashley (Senior) 262 Colvin , Adam (Sen ior) Colvin, jonathan (Senior) 258 Colvin, Beth (Junior) ' 7, 130, 131 , 86, 231,263 Combs, Andrew (Sophomo re) Combs, jennifer (Graduate) Combs, Melissa (Senior) '203 , 204 , 227, 238 Comeaux, Marcus (Junior) Compton, Kay (Graduate) Compton, Amber (Senior) 23, 216 Conatser , Cynth ia (Graduate) Cone, Zachary (Junior) 260 Co nfaJ one, Molly (Graduate) 238 Conley, Rachel (Sen ior) 270, 277 Conn, Tyle r (Senior) 196 Conner, Sonja (Graduate) Conner , Chanelle (Junior) 175, 215 Connors, Megh an (Sophomor e) 263 Conrad , Ali (Sen ior) 258 Constance, Cossey (Graduate) Conway, Christophe r (Graduate) Cook. Timothy (Sen ior) 196, '260 Cook , jared (Freshman ) Cook, Roben (Junior) Cook,jared (junior) Cook,james (Graduate) Cook. Mary (Graduate) Cook, Toby ( PB) Cook,janet (Graduate) • Covington, Nathan (Junio r) Covington, Kimberly (Senio r) Covingto n, Vicki e (Graduate) Cowart,juslin (Senior) 203 Cowdery, Brittany (Freshman) Cowger, Brad (PB) Cowne, Suza nne (Graduate) Cox, Amanda (Sop homore) 262 Cox, Mich ael (Freshman) Cox, Carolyn (Freshman) Cox. Casey (Senior) Cox , joe l (PB) Cox, Paula (Graduate) Cox , Rebecca (Graduate) Cox, Chloe (Graduate) Cox, Shauna (Graduate) Coy. Megan (Graduate) Craddock, Shannon (junior) 263 Crader, Jason (Graduate) ..... The Knights pledges watch as sophomore Brandon Harriman does a flip on Oct. 23, the last day of club week. During that week, pledges got very little sleep and spent almost every wak– ing moment together. Nick Michael eCook, Matthew (Graduate) Cook, Lauren (Freshman) 260 Coome r , Mary (Graduate) Coons, Ashley (Freshman) 200 Coonts, Sheri (Graduate) Cooper , Laura (Sophomore) Coope r , Sa lor ia (Graduate) Cooper , Mendy (Gr aduate) Coope r , Blake (Graduate) Cooper, Anita (Graduate) Cooper, Amy (PS) Cooper , Mauh ew (Sophomore) Cooper, Cameron (Graduate) Cooper , Abby (Sophomor e) 234, 274 Coope rstei n , Carolett (Graduate) Cooperwoo d, JaQuetta (Sophomore) Copeland, Joe (Senior) Copeland, Kinsey (Junior) 263 Copeland, Audrianna (Sophomore) 26, Copeland, Lindsey (Freshman) 258 Copeland , J oh n (Graduate) Copeland, J essica \Junior) Copeland, Joey (Sophomore) Copeland, Carson (Graduate) Copeland, Ross (Freshman) Copus, Mary (Senior) Corder , joshua (Sophomore) 257 Core,jesse (Graduate) Cormier, Benjamin (Senior) ' 96, 198 Cormier, Vickie (Graduate) Cormier, Richard (Freshman) Cornelius,jimma \Junior) 203, 258 Cornett, Shannon ( Freshman) Cornish , Kathryn (Gr aduate) Cornish, Roge r ( PB) Cornwall, Matthew (Sophomore) 260 Correa, Wisley (Senior) 272 Coss, Kaitlin (Senior) 195, '238, 263 Cothren , Britney (Sophomore) 263 Cottey , Peggy (Graduate) Colton , Angela (Craduate) Coubrough, Cole (Graduat e) '259 Couch. Kimberly (Sophomore) 261 Coulter, J oe (Graduate) Counts , Leigh (Senior ) 235. 240, 241, 258 , 259 Covalt, Saman tha (junior) 261 Covington , Tyl e r (Se nior) 200 Covington, Kathryn (Freshman) C raft , Tiffany (Fr eshman) C r afton. Tiffany (Graduate) C rafts,j. (junior) Crager, Abby (Sophomol'e) 257 C raig, Carl (Freshman) C ra ig, Rebekah (Junior) Craig, Robert (Freshman) Craig. Lovell (Se nior) Cramblett, Timothy (Freshman) 260 Cramblett, Matthew (Sophomore) Cramer, Stephanie (Junior) 263 Crane, Dennis (GI'aduate) Crane, Cra ig (Graduate) Cravens, Breit (Freshman ) '227, 262 C r awford, Jordan (Sophomore) '212 C r enshaw, Nichol as (Freshman) Cresswe ll , Kimberly (Graduate) Cressy , Derek (Sophomore) 223, 260 Cressy, Shauna (Sen ior) 257, 260 Criscitello, Chad (Freshman) Criswell . Antwan (Graduate) C ri tchlow, Ingrid (Sop homor e) Crocke r, Dora (Senior) 224 CI'onan, Caleigh \Junior) 234 Cronk, Christina (Senior) 261 Cronk, Penelope (Senior) 46 C rook, Sierra ( Freshman) 200 C rooks. Emily (Sen ior) 235, 259, 260 Crossland, Bret (Sophomore) 257 Crou th er s, Paul ette (Graduate) Crow, Amy CPS) Crow, Terrian (Graduate) Crowder, Sarah (Senior) 211, 262 Crowder, Leah \Junior) 175, 212 , 215 , 227, 240 Crowder. Stephen (Sophomore) 261 Crowe, Ashley (Sophomore) 261 Crowe, Rya n (Sophomore) Crowell, Brandi (Senior) Crowl, Kr ist ina (Graduate) Cruce. Shelia (GI'aduate) Cruiksh ank, Amanda (Graduate) Crumbaugh, Emily (Senior) Crump, Louise (Graduate) Crutcher, Kyle (PR) 234 Crutchfi eld , Laura (Graduate) Cruz, Alisson (Senior) 260 , 261 Cuadra, Carmen (Juni Q{) 204, 205 , 23 6 - - Cudney, Sarah (Graduate) C ue llar, Rodney (Sophomor e) Culclager, Anje li ca (Graduate) Cullins, Luke (Graduate) Cullum, Mi ca (Graduate) Culp, Kati e \Junior} 12 , 206 , 258 Culrer, jessi ca (Graduate) Cummings, Clayton (Senior) Cunningham, Ashley (Se nior) 207 Cunningham, Alice (Graduate) Cunningham, Nichole (Graduate) Cunningham , Laura (PB) Cupp. Andrea (junior) Cupp , Aubrey (Freshman) 250, 251,261 Cupples, Taylor (Sophomore) 204, 2'5 Cureton, Netlla (Graduate) Cureton, Melissa (Graduate) Cu r fman, Staci (Sophomore) 263 Curl, Cai tlin (Senior) '235 Curlett, Chelsey (Freshman) Curr en , Se tty (Graduate) Curruth , Eri cia (Graduate) Cur ry , Pamel a (Graduate) Curry, Lester (Graduate) Curtis, Tara (Graduate) Curtis, Kel sey (Senior) '26r Curtis, Lorna (G radua te) Curtis, jennife r (Graduate) CUI·tis, Linda (Graduate) Cusick, Yvonn e (junior) Cusler, Nicki (Junior) 263 Custer, Brandon (junior) 258 Cyper t, Lela (Graduate) Dacus, Sara(Graduate) Daggett, Rebecca (Freshman) Daggett, Kati e (Graduate) 238, 263 Daggett, Zachary (Sophomore) 196 Daily, Tony (Sophomore) Dalafave , Mary (junior) Damon, Cassie (Graduate) Damron, Caroline (Senior ) Daniel, Haley (Sophomore) 196,197, 260 Daniel, Michae l ( PS) 261 Daniel, Stephanie (Graduate) Daniels , Patricia (Graduate) Daniels, Danny (G raduate) Daniels, Lin coln (Graduate) Daniels, Ch r isty (Graduate) Dannatt, Shaunda (Sen ior) Darang, Lhyme (Senior) Darbee , Desiree (Sophomore) 195 Darbee, Patrick (Junior) 195 Darby, Benjamin (Senior) 271, '273 Dargai , Oyola (Sophomo re) Darnell, Noah (Senior) 208, 3'27 Darnell, Tyle r (Freshma n) 259 Darnell, Courtney (Sen io r ) 258 Daugherty, Erin ( Freshman) 232, 263 Daugherty, Kaitlyn (Sophomor e) 263 Daugherty, Vincenl (Sophomore) 259, 27 8 Daugherty, Christopher (Freshman) Daugherty, Kelsey (Sophomore) 234, 263 Daughety, Malo r ie ( Freshman) Davenport , Paul (Se nior) Davenport, Deanna (Freshman) David, Irene (Sophomore) 5 Davidson, Natalie (Sen ior) Davidson, Cassie (Junior) 47 ,263 Davidson , Peter (Senior ) 52, '2 12, 261 Davidson , Cynthia (Graduate) Davidson , Alyssa (junior) 232 Davies, Michelle (Junior) Davila, Samuel (Senior) index 303