2009-2010 Yearbook

It's Not Just a Game Soccer is not a game fo r the weary. It is a game that requ ires skill, hard work an d perpetual dedication. No one knew this better than senior Minnie Guzman. Guzman came from Lewisville H igh School (Lewisville, Texas) to share her talent with the Harding Lady Bison soccer team in 2006. As a freshma n sh e was unaware of the atmosphere that surrounded a college level game, but was full ora willingness to learn. " ) was a little nervous because I was still a f r eshman and had never played in front of a huge crowd like thal." Guzman sa id. "So I didn't wan t t o mess up." It didn't take her long to get the feel of being a Bison . She fInish ed her freshman season with fOUl' goals, including one game winning goal, and two assists. Her season Slats awarded her National Soccer Coaches Association of America (NSCAA), Second– Team Al l -Region and First-Team Al I-GSC. "Freshman year, I took it upon myself to be an Junior Brianna Meek Craig Rainbolt e]{ample to the other freshman girls," Guzman said. "I wanted th em to see and to learn wh at hard wOI·k looked like and I wanted them to strive for the same goals that I had for the team. " She continued the trend of e]{cellence in following seaso ns making First -Team All-eSC in 2007 and Second-Team All -GSC in 2008. As a junior, Guzman became co -captain of the Lady Bisons along with teammate senior Kellie DeAtley. "You can always count on her to do he r job, and to do it very well, " DeAtley said. "We trust h e r not only with the ball but also as a leader for OU I' team Guzman's motjvati o nal sp irit made a huge impact on all of her teammates, but she said that motivation was something that H ardin g taught h er. " I n ever really did try very hard in my classes in high school, but I qUickly learned that i t takes a lot of focus and hard wOI'k to get through college." she said. She pushed herself by taking 19 hours, playing soccer and joining Ko J o Kai social club all in h er fir st semester. She realized that getting through a schedule like that could only benefit her for the future, and it did. She took that learned motivation st raight to the soccer field. " It takes a lot focu s and hard work to be the best player possible, " Guzman said. "But if you work as hard as you can on it then any goal is possible to reach . " Guzman's leadership and dedication has made a deep last ing impact on the Lady Bison soccer team that will be felt for many years after her departure. H er hard work not only brightened her success, but set an example for everyone who had the privilege to p lay with her. Joel Blake Senior Minnie Guzman stays a stride in front of the competition during her senior game against Chris– tian Brothers University on Oct. 25. Guzman had great leadership as one of the team captains since 2008. Nick Michaela