2009-2010 Yearbook

A SlNing in the Right Direction Harding has been blessed for yea r s with students from a ll over the world who contributed (0 the athletic p rogram, and during th e 2009-10 school year that was no different. Sophomol'e Bruce Mc– Mullen came 10 Harding all the way from his home in Cape Town, South Africa to play golf. G,'owing up, McMullen played all kinds of different sports . However , he only started playing golf in the eighth grade, which meant that this was only his seventh year playing. After hi gh school , McMullen said he wanted to attend a college bigger than a university back home. So with that mindset and his love of golf, McMull en ended up playing at Harding. " I neyer really kn ew what Harding was all about initially," McMullen said . " I n eve r grew up with a religiOUS background or in a church, so coming to Harding was extl'emely overwhelming from a religiOUS side of things, a total different lifestyle that I was not expec ting at all, yet a lifestyle that I have leamed to love," Being on the learn this year was different than the last for McMullen. For one, he was chosen unanimously as the team captain by the other players, "While currently a sophomore , I consider him mature beyo nd his years and he does well in managing th e delegated tasks I give him ," men's go lf coach Dust in Howell sa id. "Hi s contributions include the positive enforcement of team mo Bruce McMullen practices with his driver Nov. 3. Since coming to Har– ding. McMullen has improved in his long drive. rale, the o rganization of team meals and the follow through of leading team practice drills an d participa tio n. I ca n always count on Bruce to lead by example whether [it's] in the weight room at 6 a.m. or on the course until dark. " Also, according to McMullen, this yea l"s team was co n sidered a very young team because it was comp l' ised of fou r freshmen. "A large part of success for any team is spirit , determination and character – areas I like to focus on with the boys," McMullen said. "We broke three school records in our first tournament which was great, and I feel a promising year." Adjusting to Harding life was interesting because it was full of new things for McMull en. " I have never met a group of6,000 people all with the purest, kindest, most caring hearts," McMullen said. "I have created relationships that make me so grateful and helped me r ea lize a lot about myse lf. and the needs of others. I have learned so much from the families and friends that 1 have associated wi t h th rough Harding; 1 can happily say that I am a changed person because of it. " Mter graduation McM ullen hoped to enter grad sch ool for phys ical therapy somewhere in the states. LeaVing Harding would not mean putting away hi s golf clubs, however. Mte r fini shing PT schoo\, McMullen also hoped to dedicate a yea r to trying to earn h is pl'ofessional card in golf. Steven Chandler Bruce McMullen swings for mid range shot Nov. 3. McMullen planned to earn his profesional Golfing Card after he attends PT school. men/ women golf 275