2009-2010 Yearbook

The Perfect Semester J uniOT Katy Grant was an exceptio nal asset to the cross-country team, the track team and to Harding as a whole . Maintaining a 4.0 grade average in the social work pro– gram, she made ftTst team All Conference for three years, the NCAA All South Region team for two year s and was on ESPN 's Academic All -American team . Grant came out of high school as a National Merit Finalist, having part icipated in track and cross-country. When she got to Harding, she asked Coach Steve Guymon if sh e could try running the steeplechase. The steeplechase is a three - kilometer track r ace. There are four barriers the size of balance beams for each lap, and one of the barriers is oyer a water pit. The runner must clear all the barriers without us ing their hands. " llove it ," Grant said. "We didn' t have the steeplechase in high school, but when I got to college, I told Coach that I wan ted to try it. It is really fun and definitely my favorite in track . It is a good but chal– lenging r ace." Grant also ran c ross - country, and was captain for the team. " I like both track and cross country equally but for d ifferent r easons," Grant said. " In track. results are consistent so I can monitor my progress, but cross-country is more team oriented. \Ve spend so much time together because we are all running the same race. We are a family." Although Grant had numerous academic and athletic achievements, her most impressive quality was her character . "She's got a lot of talent but the biggest thing is that she is an ext"emely hard worke r ." Coach Cuy– man said. "She loves helping people and is very concerned about other s . She has a tremen dous h eart. She is th e whole package; sh e has everything. " Grant had been on two spring break campaigns to Nicaragua and spent her last summer volunteer– ing in City Rescue Mission in downtown Oklahoma City . The shelter was for people who struggled with homelessness and ad diction. With graduat ion set for May, Grant plann ed to keep her options open, with the possibility of going to Graduate School or going somewhere to do mis– sion work and then coming back to get her maste rs. Even though Grant has shown exceptional qual – ity in her life, she continued to be humble, praising others. "Anything that I've done, it all goes back to my King, my coach, and the blessings that Cod has given us," Grant sa id . Penelope Cronk Sophomore Bradley Furlong Craig Rainbolt Sophomore Milton Stewart Craig Rainbolt Q Junior Dia Gibson arches perfectly over the bar set at five feet, one inch off the ground. Gibson's personal best in the 2009 season was 5 feet 5.75 inches. Craig Rainbolt track 271