2009-2010 Yearbook

Fighting To Get In The club proce ss was hlled with traditions and treasur ed by everyone who could remember the days of freshman curiosity and uncertainty. Every club took a differen t path to meet their incoming class and that meant eve ry mixe r was different. The Titans social club, o nc of Harding's large men's dubs, h ad been a club on campus since 1977. Throughout a ll those years, Titans tOok many club process activit ies to a wh ole n ew level. This year the dub en t itled the i r second round mixer: ~Titans Fight Nigh!. ~ Most mixe rs provided a sening that enabled aU willi ng participams to fredy m ingle and tal k to established members in a cal m setting. At "T ita ns Figh t Night," perspective members traded in th eir nerves of ta lking to st rang– ers for adrenaline and duked it out in the ring. "It's a good way to see someone' $ true character ," Titans Vice- Pres ident and Pledge Master Brandon J o hn son said . "We see th i ngs in the guys that a co nversation co uld never provide , like confide nce, attitude and demeanor." At Titans Fight Night, r eal boxing gloves were not used. T he contes tants battled using g iant boxing gloves that could not infli ct any substantial dam– age. "Th e point of the mixer is not to see a bunch of freshman beat ing up on each other," Johnson said . "It's about having a good lime while getting to know one another." The nght night mixe r was a traditiona l mixer for Titans that had been done for many years . J ohnson said that he fought recent graduate and former Biso n quart erback David Knighton whe n he was a freshman and it was som e– thing t hat he would never forget. More than 4 0 potential members came to the high-octane event includi ng freshman Sam Mo rr is wh o said he really e njoyed the mixe r. "Since it was an o pe n area , you we re free to mingle with everyone who was the re , so it was a good se t up to go m eet new people," Mor ris said. ~ l've boxed once before, but it wasn't in front of anyone else, and the huge boxing gloves gave the fight a less ser ious [feeI] to it , whi ch was cool." The club h o p efuls we re gi ven th e o pportunity to box but didn't have to if they didn't want to. Friends fought fri e nds and eve n some club m embe r s joined in on the fun. But at the end of the day everyon e was happy with no hard feelings. Joel Bloke Freshmen Becca Williams, Christine Miller and Shelby Chambliss, talk with an officer of Delta Nu at officer open house. Delta Nu is one of the two newsest clubs on campus. Hagen Atkins Freshmen Richard Glenn and Sam Morris battle against each other at the Titans Fight Night Mixer. This mixer was a fun way for guys to get to know each other. Noah Darnell Sam Morris and Richard Glenn box with each other at the mixer. The Titans social club has had this mixer for a few years now. Noah Darnell Richard Glenn and Sam Morris fight to see who will win at the Titans mixer. Both got a chance to meet many new guys that night. Noah Darnell mixers/open house 249