2009-2010 Yearbook

Great American Classic Two women's social clubs, Zeta Rho and Pi Theta Phi , learned up in the fall 2009 for their second annual Creat Ameri– can Classic function, where they engaged in a game of a great American pastime: baseball. Or, in thi s case, softball. While it was their second year to hold the co-club softball fun ctio n , a new activity was added to this year' s eve nt. After the softball game, the two clubs came together on a giant Slip-'n-s!icleTw. "What we did was baSically have some aU-American fun," junior Mary Beth Arnold, or Zeta Rho , said. "There was a three-legged race, burgers, a Sli p- ' n - sliden. and a huge Zeta Rho ver sus Pi Theta Phi softball game." The function was started so two clubs could come together and get to know one another without the true comp et it ion that plagues many of the rivalries on campus. Whil e it was origi nally planned to take place outside on the intramural softball fields, because of rain it had to be moved inside the GanusAthletic Center. The rain, however, could not stop the fun f r om taking place. Inside, the teams were split up evenly betwee n th e two clubs so girls fNm PTP were teamed up with gids from ZP. For each event the win– ning team gained points and the team with the most points at the end of the evening won first prize: a box of Cracker Jacks. Afte r the inside festivities were over, the group moved outside to the next act ivity. "After all of that, we made it outside to the slip -' n -slide ," sopho – more Ashel Parsons, of Pi Theta Phi, said. "This was great fun l Slip– ' n -slides always attract a bunch of fun!" And indeed, the girls only conti nued the fun they had begun indoors when they moved outs ide. The Slip-'n-sliden. was perhaps the highlight of the function as girls took turns running, sliding and laughing. "The most fun is just r ooting for yo ur team and even though you are not all in th e same club, it doesn't matter ," Arnold said. The fact that the girls were a part of two different social clubs or usually rival s on the club spo rts field had no meaning dur ing that day's events. The fun ction was a time to enjoy fun and fellowship with one another. "There is just something about putt ing people in a group and giv– ing them a big sign with the ir team name on it that instills a sense of pride for your team," Arnold sa id. "And you end up cheering for people you barely know to win over your own club members . " The two clubs made sure that the friendly competition did not get in the way of having fun and b e ing friends because the main purpose of this function was the fellowship that occurs when playing with n ew people. When asked about the function, junior Nicole Guillo gave a re– sponse that summed up the idea behind the function and the friend – ships that can be form ed through friendly competition . "It's so much fun to sp e nd time with your own club while getting to spend t ime with friends in a different club," Guillo said. James 8uce Junior Sarah Gary slides down the tarp at the second annual Zeta Rho and Pi Theta Phi Great American Classic on Sept. 19. The girls enjoyed a day of not only a Slip~ 'n-sliden .. but also various other games. Courtesy of Ashel Parsons JuniorsSunnie Rogers and Courtney Boyd slide together down the soapy tarp on Sept. 19 at the Slip-'n-sliden •. Girls from both clubs were on combined teams to get to know each other better. Courtesy of Ashel Parsons Junior Mary Beth Arnold bumps into people as she slides down the hill . Arnold was representing Zeta Rho at the Great American Classic on Sept. 19. Courtesy of Ashel Parsons • Seniors Rachel Geddie and Rachel Klemmer hold hands while sliding down the tarp as a team Sept. 19. Each girl showed her own . ' ,I club spirit by wearing club colors at the function . Courtesy of Ashel Parsons functions/even ts 247