2009-2010 Yearbook

. \ f you really want sOIlleth ing it all comes down to persis – tence and confidence," Dr. Dutch H oggatt said to his stu– dent Katie Culp, and she certainly took that to heart. Katie Culp was a junior b r oadcast journalism major who had a unique internship during the summer of 2009. She worked for Fox Business Network in New York City. Because bro adcast journalism majors were required to have at least one internship in order to graduate, Culp decided she wanted to go to the national level. T hough the application due date had passed by the time she found out about it, Culp pur – sued an internship with Fox News, determin ed to give it a try. Culp was in constant contact with people who were trying to get her the internship. Dr. Hoggatt was confIdent in Katie's abilities and in a phone call with one of the people in charge of internships with Fox Hoggatt said, "I can assure you that Katie is going to be a great person to work with and 1think she will do a good job for you." H er persistence paid off and Culp landed her internship with Fox Business Network. She moved up to New York for the summer, from June until mid-August, and worked Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p .m . every day . Her commute was a 30- minute train ride to work. O nce at the news station her job consisted of a wide variety of tasks: going on shoo ts with reporter s, watching packages being made, and r esearching, booking and conducting pre - interviews with guests. Also, for half of her internship Culp had to write two or three stories each day that were all put up on the FOX websi te. "I had something to show for my day ; I had writing. " Culp said. Living and working in New York had some perks for Culp; Junior Katie Culp discusses the run down with senior Grant Sloan during the Oc t. 23 news– cast. Anchors use the time dur– ing commercials to prepare for the upcoming news stories. Nick Michael Posing In front of the FOX news sign on July 22, Junior Katie Culp shows where she com– pleted her summer internship. She received the internship from Woody Fraser, the creator of Good Morning America . Courtesy of Katie Cu/p 206 organizations she was able to meet a few famous people while there. She met former Republican presidential candidate turn ed television show host Mike Huckabee, all of the Fox anchors , as well as Jennifer Aniston (not through Fox however). Culp also re– ceived Intern of the Week , which was a big deal because there were aroun d 75 other interns between Fox Business and Fox News. Coming from Harding really helped Culp and even put her ahead o f many of the other interns. She had just come from a class that prepared her to write for broadcast, which many of her fellow interns had not been ready for . In addition to that, Culp had been a part of Harding Channel 16 newscast . "Everything about TV 16 helped me.. it is an op portunity that other people do not have," Culp said . "Most schools do not have a live newscast, and if they do anything like a newscast it is taped, and they get to redo it. It helped me being in fron t of a camera , it made me not as nervous to do that." "\Vhether it was motivation from some o f the most impor – tant people in the industry or increasing her knowledge of business and politics, Culp cer tainly took a lot away from her internship. Another one of her favorite parts was being able to rep r esent H arding. Culp said that it was nice "showing that you can come from a school that is not well known to people in that industry and do just as well if not better than those like the Ivy League [studen ts]." Culp's internship gave testament to all H arding studen ts that wi th persistence they could achieve whatever they desired and that Harding could adequately prepare its students for any– thing. Steven Chandler