2009-2010 Yearbook

Senior Jacqueline Carroll di · red s the team's stretching be· fore cheerleading practice on Sept. 22. This occurred at the beginning of each practice and gave the girls a chance to focus on their upcoming work· out. Nick Michael At the Communication Science and Disorders cookout Sept. 23, Carroll grills hamburgers for her peers. Carroll was very invoived in her major and volunteered in many ways. Nick Michael The Cheerleaders move to "Pu t a Ring on It" by Beyonce at their Sept. 22 practice. This was one of the routines Carroll prepared for the Basketball season. Nick Michael I'" o"h. StudenL Memoc. O ' g,n;",. Enwucogec. \....,. T rain e r . Friend. Cheerlead er. Everyday. When the whistle blew and t he games began, the Bi son cheerleaders were always ready with ch ants, stu nts and smiles. However, many hours of behind the scenes wOl'k had to take place before th e squad was ready for action. Senior ch eerleading captain Jacque li ne Cal'l'ol l'sjob started long before the £1rst kick-off of the season. While many students were enjoying their last few days at home , Carroll was preparing the squad fo r another winning show. The Biso n sq uad arrived a week early before classes to practice, Car roll taught chants and ch eer s, p ract iced stunts and began fo rming a stronger squad. 'Jacqueli ne is very o rganized," sophomOl'e ch eerleader Kelsey Koctar said. "She is dedicated to making sure we look good and present o u rselves welL" Before th e semeste r even began, Cal'l'o\l had already made and distributed a calendar for the rest of the year complete with practices , unifOl'm dates, wo rkouts, games and ch ar ity events the squad would par t icipate in. "I am a very pro - act ive person , so I ' m trying to make Bi – so n cheerleading that way as well ," Carroll said. "We wan t to get much more involved t hi s yea r than ever befol·e." The chee rleading regimen included six 0' clock morning runs, night practices and various workouts. CalToli also wanted the squad to get more involved in the community by vol unteer– ing at the Sunshine School and walking in th e White County Fair parade. "Jacqueline is will ing to wo r k with u s," sophomo re cheer – lead e r H aley Daniel said. "Sh e wa n ts us to enjoy ch eeri ng and be a legitimate college squad. " The toughest and most challenging p r oject for the squad was their Midnight Madn ess routine. The squad said it took an enormous amount of time, effor t and skill to accom – plish. "Our Midnight Madness routine is a competition rou – tine with lifts , stun ts, tumbling and chants," Carroll sa id. "Most of our p rac t ice t ime is spe nt runn i ng through the routi n e and doing the stun ts over and over." Not o nly d id Carroll o rganize practice schedules and times, but she was al so is in charge of the squad d u ring game time. She was responsible for what the squad wore, when they sh owed up, and what they cheered at th e games, "Th e sq uad realizes that Jacqu eline has balanced school and chee ring for four yea rs," Daniel sa id. "We know that she has gone through eve r ythi ng we are going through . We respect that she has more experience and se niority." Ca rro ll admitted that it was difficult to juggle being both student and cheer cap tain, but she would not have had it any other way. " It 's a lot mo re respon sibility but also a lot more fun," Carroll said. "I love our squad. I can't cheer by myself or throw stunts by myself. I wouldn't have a reason to do it if it wasn't fOI' the girls. We all wOl'k really hard." Janet Orgain a th letics 197