2009-2010 Yearbook

.. SeniorSummerGI sketches designs on Sept. 28 for the Homecoming production of "Scrooge." Gill was the Graphic Design intern for the Harding Public Rela– tions office, and was in charge of designing all of the programs and posters. Noah Darnell GI poses on Sept. 28 on the back stocose n the Benson. On occasion, Gill would venture here for her inspiration. Noah Darnell During the fall semester of 2009, senior Summer Gill played a big role in the homecoming play "Scrooge." Anyone who went to see the play may not remember seeing Gill perform. That was because Gill's role was behind th e scen es. While working as the Graphic DeSign intern in the Public Relations office for Harding University, one of Gill's biggest assignments was to cre – ate the posters, flyers and programs for the musical "Scrooge. " Gill said she met with director Robin Miller, Professor of Com– munication and Director of the theater program, and producer Cindee Stockstill, of the College of Communication, to get guide– lines for her task at hand. "They recommended I watch the movie "Scrooge" starring Albert Finney," Gill said. "It was th e closest thing to what they wanted to present in the advertisement for the musicaL " Since the musical is a Christmas story but was performed in Oc– tober, Gill said she did not want th e des ign of the poster to be too Halloween - esque, but to keep a balance of the ghost story, the com– edy of the play and the Christmas aspect of joy. Gill said she mel with Miller and Stockstill once a week to discuss what she had done so far to make sure she was going in the right di– rection. 194 organizations Once all of Gill's sketches were approved, she did an on screen mock-up and after the mock- up was approved she began to shoot her own photos for the poster . "The C hristmas scene in the poster is the actual Christmas scene from my house," Gill said. The process of making the poster took Gill three weeks. She said it was very time consuming but her class schedule was not a problem. "I love what I'm doing," Gill said. "It does n ot feel like work to me. Gill said she was allowed creative freedom on the p rojects and sa id that she sometimes got inspiration from random places. "Sometimes what 's in your head does not translate to the screen the way you want, but the most important thing for me was to stay with the concept," Gill said. Gill 's creat ivity and diligent work ultimately led to a final draft of the musical poster. \¥hile she knew th ere was always room to improve her skills she was happy to know that people would get to see her work and that she had a chance to communicate with people through it. "1 learned that everything is a learning experience," Gill said. "You get better as you go." Roberto McGowon