2009-2010 Yearbook

Freshman Clark Ashley jumps over sophomore Andrew Fulks at the waterslide in front of the Rhodes on Aug. 23 while senior Melissa Ritchie helps spray water on the slide. The slide was part of the activities SA planned for Impact, which helped freshmen meet new people and adjust to Harding. Noah Darnell Freshmen Kinsey Savage and Jessica White have dinner at the Luau Aug. 21 on the Front Lawn. The Luau became part of Impact tradition, although it used to be at Dr. David Burk's house, this year it had a new location . Nick Michael Sophomore Lauren Taylor, an energy group leader for Impact, helps with a ser– vice project on Aug. 22 at the Humane Society. The group helped wash and walk the dogs and played with the cats. Noah Darnell •• impact 15