2009-2010 Yearbook

r was time for Bible study on the third floor of Armstrong dOI'm. All the friends of middle hall started ambling in, ready for their weekly Thursday night study. When they fmally came to order. the questio n was asked if anything n ew 01' iTIlportant had happen ed that week. It was th en that the quietest guy of th em all spoke up and said, "Guys. [ know what I want to d o with my life. I want to be a social worker ." Senio r Nate Haberman may not have been kn own as the most outsp oken man on campus, but he was known for being o n e of th e kindest, quietest and most thought ful people at Harding. Haberman consider ed becoming a coach or teach er, but his thoughtful and caring na tu re compelled him to pursue social work. H aberman was one of three males in his sen ior social work class. " For the first couple o f year s 1didn' t know wh at to major in ," Haberman said. " I just knew I wa nted to help people and have an impact o n their lives .., Best frien d and former !"Dommate Tyler Boss un derstood H ab e rman's interest in socia l work. "Nate cares so much about people, " Boss said. "Whe n eve r service projects come up, he is th e first to volunteer. Cod is truly at th e cente r of his life , and I feel like that is what makes him want to show Cod to oth er peopl e through social work." Ch air o f th e Department for Behavioral Sciences Kathy H e1penst ill sa id that Haberman wou ld be a great asset to the social wOI·k fi eld. "Nate will have a big advantage in the work place becau se there is a huge demand for male socia l workers," Helpenstill said. " H e is very easy to get along with and does excellent work . I very much respect him and the work h e has produced." Du ringthe fall semeste l' of his senior year, H abe rman volunteel'ed with t he Hope Cottage , a sh elter for battered women. H e and other classmates spent over 20 hours ra ising fund s and awareness to benefit th e organ ization. "We are trying to do anything they need to h elp them out," H aberman said . "I enjoy practice class because it 's not all about learning information; it's about taking that information and using it to help people in the community." Haberman was also known for his thoughtfulness. Friends and teachers both agreed that although he may not say much, when he did speak, people listened . Senior accounting major Adam VanRee nan recalled a time when Haberma n's club week Wednesday night d evotional brought about 50 Beta Omega Chi (BOX) member s to tears. " It was one of th ose rock your world kind of d evos, " VanReenan said . "Nate is very observant an d very good at findi n g truth in things . Mter that devotional, [he] h ad a one way ticket to [be ing] spiritual life director. " As ide from classes and BOX club duties, Habe r ma n also enjoyed spending time with his wife , Kasey. " Both my wife and I love sports ," Haberma n said. "We even went to a couple of Cardinals games for our h oneymoon . But the main thing is that we are hanging out together. We enjoy being togethe r so much that is doesn ' t really matter what we do ." After graduation, Haberman hoped to get ajob working in a hospital to make sure patients have all th e resources they need to remain healthy. But wherever he ended up . Haberma n sai d that hi s main focus was to help those around him. "Nate is the kind of person that is goi ng to make Harding University proud ," Kimberly Baker -Abrams, Habel'man 's advisor. sai d. "He is going to do great things I have no doubt about t hat." Janet Orgain Arranging clothing in a specific manner, junior Mallory Hogan puts her classroom knowledge into practice on Nov. 2. Hogan was a fashion merchandising major and planned to use her degree to go into visual merchandising. She had a passion for shopping and an interest in arranging clothing in a certain way so it would be ascetically pleasing to consumers. Nick Michael "J~/j~k'~U,::::::::::::--- J at iI' /"1 reillycl s I"'e ~ b' in oSe c1 nd c 1ft fami} . tej'esled in you Can ask Y In th e FCS YOu llife " teaChers il depilrtm ..../J nYthing bent; eVe f\p. fl iJ -1J eca use th e l)'one is lM.A' ill( V)t~ "Yare really Senior R ilcheJ La th rop behavioral sciences/fcs 165