2009-2010 Yearbook

Academics "Moses said to the Lord, '0 Lord, I have never been eloquent.' The Lord said to him, 'Who gave man his mouth? .. !s it not I, the Lord? Nowgo; ! will help you speak andwill teachyouwhattosay.''' Ex. 4;10- 12. God has made us each unique with special talents and abilities. We each had callings to specific areas in which through ourworkwe could glorifY God. Aswas true with Moses, God did not call us without empowering us. It was our choice whether we answered ourcalling. The various majors and minors offered at Harding gave students that opportunity to answer their calling,; and strengthen their individual gifts God gave them. We each had our own talents that we used to add to the great story of God's people throughout history. Others learned about God through Christians actively and effectively using their abilities. This is how we told God's story - through living our story. Rachel Denzin