2009-2010 Yearbook

Paul and Sharon PiN stand in front of their ecologically friendly "Hobbit House," on Oct. 15. "The temperature in caves is always regulated," Paul said. "I was way ahead of my time on being green and this is a green house." Noah Darnell ,< Scolf Weston, Ph.D., Assoc. Prof./Dir. of Curro Assess Kieth Williams, Ed .D, Assoc. Prof./Dir. Edu. Leadership Shirley Williams, M.S.L.S ., Tech. Servo Librarian/ Prof. Steve Williams, D.B.A., Prof . Business Randy Willingham, D.Min., Assoc. Prof. Bible ,Catherine Willmore, PhD., Assoc. Prof. Bible ' Beth Wilson, Ed.D. , Prof. FCS/Dept. Chair Ed Wilson, Ph.D., Prof. Chemistry Mike Wood, M.Ed., Asst. Prof. Edu. Ray Woods, M.A., Instr.! Asst. Men's B.B. Coach Gene Wright, Ph.D., Asst. Prof. Edu. Bill Yates, D.V.M., Prof./Choir Dept . Phirm. Sciences Flavil Yeakley, PhD., Prof. Bible/Dir. Church Growth Studies Kwame Yeboah, Pharm.D. , Asst. Prof. Pharm. J.D. Yingling, Ed.D. , Assoc. Prof fac ulty 155