2009-2010 Yearbook

Adjunct Professor of Communications 7rom Hardin n" ersity to CNN, adjunct professo r of communica on inger Blacksto ne made her mark in the n ews iT) U . After graduating, Blackstone worked for CNN from 1996 to 2009, starting as a show pro– duce r. In 2009 Blackstone ended her time at CNN as sup ervis– ing producer for CNN - USA. But Blackstone didn't start her college career wanting to be in the TV industry. She planned on an accounting major upon enrolling at Harding. " I intended to be an accounting major when 1 first enrolled at Harding, but the summer before I anived, I met a friend at church (Harding alum Doug Buee) who was a public relations major," Blackstone said . "H is internsh ip was at a water park and it sounded so fun! I wanted THAT job! But in my second sem es– ter as a PR major , I took a 1V practicum class. I found using the equipment came natu ra lly to me and in no time , 1 was b it by the TV bug. 1 changed my major and thl'ew myself into broadcast journalism full - fo r ce, [and] never looked back." Aftel'1V sparked hel' interest, Blackstone ventured through a few internships and jobs before landing her hrs t CNN position. " I did internships in New York, Dallas and Little Rock," Blackstone said. "My hrst paying job was in the summer of 1991 as a part - time desk assistant at KATV in Little Rock. The fol – lowing November, 1 accepted a full-time 5 p.m, producer job at KHBS/KHOG in Fon Smith, Ark. I was eve ntually promoted to the 6 p,m. show." Over the next few years Blackstone worked in Chattanooga, Tenn" and Montgome ry, Ala., asan evening producer, on -camera talen t and assistant n ews director. In late 1996 Blackstone joined the CNN family. Bei ng part of a large news network led to late hours and hectic news shows with rolling coverage of breaking news. "One el{ecutive demands your team do one thing while an – other executive demands your team do something completely differ ent," Blackstone said. "So not only a re you up to your a rm– pits in breaking news, you're now trying to decide which boss to please. I thought of it as the "Mad H atter Tea Party" from Alice in Wonderland. I made it all a game and Simply did my best. At times, it was an adrenaline rush. Other times, 1 kicked myself wishing I had don e things differently. But therein lies the beauty of live television. It can' t be redone. Learn from the situation and move on to the next thing." MOVing from Atlanta back to Searcy, Blackstone traded in the crazy bustle of CNN for a calmer atmosphe r e of teachi ng at Har– ding . The change allowed her more time with friends and family, though it also came with a n ew kind of challenge. "[Now] I live much closer to my parents, so I can drive an afternoon and spend quality t ilne with them without a lot of el{– pense or advanced planning," Blackstone said. "My hnances have taken a drastic cut, but th ere's much more to life than money. I' m a Inuch happier, mOI'e content person. " Blackstone's career took her Inany places, even bringing her back to where it all began. Through it all , sh e remained confident and el{pecta nt for whatever might come nel{t, "Unplugging from my life in Atlanta to come to Harding was a huge leap of faith," Blackstone said. " I wasn't sure how it was go– ing to come together - whether the move was brilliant or insane. But I felt God was pulling at me to trust him and let go. I did. And every step of this joumey has been rewarding. I'm looking forward to other surprises God may have in store for me ." Jennifer Gibson Dean Priest. Ph.D., Dist. Prof. Math Dennis Province, Ph.D., Assoc. Prof. Chem. Chris Pruitt, M.Ed.. Asst. Prof. Edu./Dir. Advance Mike Pruitt, D.A .. Prof. Kines. Vann Rackley, Ph.D.. Assoc . P.rof. MFT 'scott Ragsdale, M.S.E.. Asst . Prof. Compo Sci. Rebekah Rampey, Ph.D. , Asst. Prof. Biology Bob Reely, Ed.D.. Prof. Mgmt./Assoc. Exec. Dir. ASI Bill Richardson, D.Min .. Prof. Bible/Dir. CAMT Bob Ritchie, M.Ed .. lnstr. Comm./Dir. TV 16, Video Works lisa Ritchie, Ed.D .. Assoc . Prof. FCS/Dir 4l Dietetics Thomas Ritchie, M.Ed .. Asst. Prof. Marvin Robertson, J.D.. Prof. Business Gary Ross, MS.. Asst. Prof . Accounting Don Sanders, M.S .. Instr. Biology Stacy Schoen, M.F.A.. Assoc. Prof. Art Keith Schramm, Ph.D, Assoc. Prof. Phy. Sci. Steve Shaner, M.S., Asst. Prof. Comm. Arthur Shearin, D.M.A.. Prof. Music Jim Shelton, Ph.D .. Assoc. Prof. Business Jack Shock, Ed.D .. Prof. Comm. Sara Shock, M.S .. Instr. Comm. Sci./Disarder Ellis Sloan, M.B.A .. Asst. Prof. Business Lori Sloan, M.B.A .. Asst. Prof. Marketing faculty 153