2009-2010 Yearbook

In the studio on Oct. 13. Ginger Blackstone checks the wea ther radar with senior Stephen Goodale. Black– stone supervised and advised students in the produc– tion of TV- 16 News. Noah Dornell Becky Moore, M.S.E. , Instr. FCS Jessica Moore, D.A.. Assoc. Prof. Kines./Dir. Wom. Intra. Justin Moore, Ph.D.. Asst. Prof. MFT lew Moore, Ph.D.. Chr. MFT/Dir. Counsel Ctr./Prof. Steve M*re, Ph.D.. Assoc. Prof. Biology • Kenn'et~ Moran, M.B.A. , Asst. Prof. \ , linda Moran, M.A.. Asst. ~of. Mod. Foreign lang. Jan Morgan, Ed.D.. Prof . SE/Dir. Mid./Chair TE Jeff Morgan, M.s .. Basketball Coach/Asst. Prof. Mike Murphy, M.D .. Prof./Prog . Dir./Med . Dir. PA Prog. lambert Murray, Ph.D.. Prof. Physics Ed Myers, Ph.D .. Prof. Bible Jerry Myhan, M.S.N. , Assoc. Prof. Nursing Ken Neller, Ph.D .. Prof. Bible James Nesbit, Ph.D.. Asst. Prof. Pharm. George Oliver, M.S.A.. Prof. Mgmt. Mike Oliver, D.B.A.. Assoc. Prof. Mgmt. Ken Olree, Ph.D.. Asst. Prof. Engineering Todd Patten, Ed.D.. Asst. Prof. Edu. Bryan Phillips, Ph.D.. Assoc. Prof. Kines. Paul Pitt, M.F.A., Prof. Art Sharon Pitt, M.Ed .. Asst. Prof. Comm. Paul Pollard, Ph.D .. Prof. Bible/Greek Don Porter, Pharm.D.. Asst. Dean Prof. Affairs/Asst. Prof. 152 leadership