2009-2010 Yearbook

Katrina Smeltzer sits In her office on Oct. 22 where she works with the Upward Bound program. "I always knew something was going to work," Smeltzer said. "I wouldn 't trade this job for the world and I know this program makes a difference." Nick Michael Cecil Boothe, Ed.S., Assoc. Prof./Dir. NWA Prof. Center Jerry Bowling, PhD.. Assoc. Prof. Bible/Youth & Family Steven Breezeel, Ph.D.. Assoc. Prof. Political Science Tim Brinley, M.A.. Dir. HUG Phil Brown, Ph.D .. Assoc. Prof. Acct./Dir. o f Accounting Richard Brown, Ph.D.. Assoc. Prof. Business Joe Brumfield, Ed.D .. Prof. Bible/MFT Ben Bruner, Ph.D .. Asst. Prof. Biology Tara Bruner, M.S.P.A.S .. Asst. Prof. Bryan Burks, D.B.A .. Assoc. Prof./Dean Business Stephen Burks, Ed.D.. Assoc. Prof. Kin./Wellness Program Coord. Jeanie Burl, M.S.N.. Asst. Prof. Nursins! James Bury, M.R.E.. Asst. Prof. Bible Ken Cameron, Ph.D .. Prof. Psychology Heath Carpenter, M.Ed .. Instr. English Cindy Carrell , D.M.A .. Asst. Prof. Music Scott Carrell, D.M.A., Assoc. Prof. Music Clara Carroll , EdD., Assoc. Prof./Chair Prof. Field Exp./ Dir. M.Ed. ASTL. Warren Casey, PhD.. Prof. Music/Dept. Chair Mike Chance, D.M.A.. Asst. Prof./Dir. Band/Orch./ Inst. Studies Bob Churchman, M.B.A., Asst. Prof. Accounting Michael Claxton, PhD., Asst . Prof. English Da'Lynn Clayton, PhD.. Assoc. Dean/Assoc. Prof. Nurs. Greg Clayton, M.F.A.. Assoc. Prof. Art fac ulty 147