2009-2010 Yearbook

Assi~tant VP /Finance J tudents at Harding worked re lentless to Inll the \'equirements of their professol·s. They showed up to class very day and sat in front of a teacher whose name and face they knew, but whose personal life was often a mys– tery. Sometimes students took fO I' granted the effort their inStrUClOrs put forth to reach where they are today. Sometimes students did not realize that their instructors were veterans of the fie ld the students were tll'ing to enter. Tammy Hall came to Hal'ding in March of 2003 when she was hired as the Assistant Vice President of Finance and to teach accou~ting in Harding's College of Business. Hall attended Harding from 1979-1983 and graduated with a Bachelor's degree in accounting. Hall did not always know that one day she would become a professor. In fact. in her early years at Harding she was a pre-pharmacy major on her way toworking with patients instead of students . "Once I had worked awhile, got some experience in different accounting areas and had my children, I started thinking about the poss ibility of teaching some day," Hall said. Sh e felt that h er most memorable college professor s we l'e with those professors that had the experience to back up what they said in the class– room. Tammy Hall reviews multiple Har– ding financial accounts on Sept. 22. Hall took time away from her office to teach students the same techniques she used as the Assis– tant VP of Finance. Noah Darnell Hall came to Harding through h er connection with Mel Sansom, Harding's Vice President of Finance. with whom she attended Harding a.4. student. Int he summe r of2002, Hall crossed paths with Sansom while taking her son tb Camp Tahkodah. Sh e offered Sansom a business card in hopes that a teachi ng position would open up. Instead , soon after her encounter with Sansom a posi– tion in the Finance Department became available. She applied, got the job and started working in March of 2003 . She b egan teaching accounting classes last year . Hall said that her time at Harding had been great as Vice President of Finance and as a teacher. " ) like working in a C hristian environment like the one offered at Harding," Hall said. "largely because I like trying new things, I think I would like teaching full-time." It was always a wonderful feeling for a student, when a topic that had always been foggy all of a sudde n became clear and it finally made sense. For a teacher, that feeling is even greater. "Those "Aha" moments when you see them "get it" a re priceless," Hall said. Joe/Blake asst . Vp'S, admin. directors 141