2009-2010 Yearbook

12 student life .. Sphomore Matt Flynn carries a prop across the stage for the \'Scrubbing Bubb les to Ease Our Troubles" number on Apri l 6. Gamma Sigs , Pi Theta Phi, Iota Chi and friends performed an act that portrayed being at a carwash. Noah Darnell The hosts and hostesses sophomore Nathan White, senior Elizabeth Harrell, junior Haley Jane Witt and senior Logan McClain sing " Life Together" in the Spring Sing finale on April 6. Harrell, Witt and McClain were returning for their second time as a Spring Sing host or hostess. Nick Michael Juniors Katie Culp and James Taylor perform in "One Swing, No Ring" during jersey night on April 6. Taylor sang a solo win the number for Ko Jo Koi, Ju Go Ju and friends. Noah Darnell Preparing for the finale, junior Sydney Clyde pu ts balloons into garbage bags to be re leased over the crowd at the end of the show on April 10. Over 1,000 balloons were dropped from the Benson catwa lks every nigh t. Noah Darnell