2009-2010 Yearbook

. !:veryone has heard the phrase "a diamond is forever," but for junior BethAnne Colvin that almost wasn't the case. Colvin, the secretary of the Student Association, an Impact Director and member of P i T heta Phi had only been engaged to Chris Travis for one day when her en– gagement ring went missing. "H e proposed at my house on the night o f feb. 20th," Colvin said. "It was pre– cious because he was so incredibly nervous and I had absolutely no clue!" The next day was her ring ceremony with Pi Theta Phi at the fountain in front of the Administration Auditorium. Like any other ring ceremony, the ring was put on a candle and passed around while members sang the club song. Once the candle got to her, she blew it out and everyone ran towards her in excitement. "After I blew out the candle I jumped a little bit and 1 hugged someone and my ring was gone," Colvin said . "T he first thing that went through my head was 'My ring is gone, that would happen to me. '" 'Nhen everyone reafized the ring was missing they began search ing. The search went on through the night and into the morning until about 2 a.m. and Co lvin woke up at 5 a.nt. the next day to continue looking. Word of the missing engage– ment ring spread quickly acrq,ss campus by word of mouth, an article in The Bison and an announcement in chapel. Her parents even came down to search with metal detectors. ,...., "It was awesome how many people would stop and help me look," Colvin said. "People 1 didn't even know wer e just loobng for the ring constantly." With students, professors and the Physical Resources department looking, Col– vinjust kept praying for Cod to reveal the ring. Her club sponsors even took time to go to the Prayer Room above the student center in the Sho res Chapel to pray over her . ", fI "1 just kept asking Cod to reveal it," Colvin said . "It didn' t even have to be to me, just reveal it to someone." As the week went on and the search continued, the ring was still nowhere to be found and Colvin was having trouble concentrating in her classes. Yet throughout the process, Harding's Christian atmosphere continued to prove itself. "H undreds, if not a thousand people helped me look for my ring," Colvin said. "H ard ing was just incredible througho ut everything. 1 had people messaging, texting and calling me just encouraging me that they were praying and it would be found. T he staff and all my teachers were very helpful and it was just such an incredible bleSSing." On Friday, Feb. 26, some members of Pi Theta Phi had been praying and sud– denly felt l ike they were supposed to go look for the ring. Once they were out search ing, people kept coming up and eventually sophomore Zach Cantrell rode up on his bike and decided to help . After he had been looking for about 15 min – utes, he found the r ing covered up by d irt and leaves under neath a bush. Cantrell immediately brought the r ing to PTP sponsor, Lisa Carr, and every– one went crazy and started screaming. No one could get a hold of Colvin so first they ran and told the deans the ring was found, then ran to the registrar's office to find out what class she was currently in. "I was in the middle of a test and a group of about 20 were outside the door," Colvin 'said . "They came and put it back on my finger and 1 immediately just broke down into tears thanking God for his faithfulness . I didn't even finish my test but my teacher didn't even care." After her ring was found, Colvin realized God taught her severa l lessons throughout the week. She learned that patience is a very big part in learning to fully trust H im and that once yo u learn to trust and see that God is fully "" in control, H e will reveal the light at the end of a t~nel. The last lesson she learned was that a ring is just a thing . "The ring is n o t Chris Travis and he is the man I am absolut ely in love with, " Colvin sa id. "I didn't lose him, I just lost a ring." Nicole Sullenger tbal lt 1 \ \ fo r SO long ",.,i.ne gi.r s . love . g ge,,'" nn sbe' sbeen ln f tbe lllost \oVln , . be SV>'eet est a Sbe's one 0 "lletbAnnelst \ tberring1 . ~ l b t sbe as ' - ' lllatter t a '12 ' . Helton " __ " ...~ . RoSle \u1.ow. l.,9"V- ' Ju nlor 130 people