2009-2010 Yearbook

/() hile many students came to Harding to discover what they wanted to do with their life. this was not the case for fr eshman Will Krech . H e came to sch ool with a passion and the d etermination needed to accomplish his ultimate goal of becomi ng a graph ic designer. Although Krech had been on campus for only a few months, he already succeed ed in be ing o ne step ahead of the rest. K~c.h loved drawing all his life and throughout high sch ool he took art classes every chance h e had. Even whe n his school was out of classes for him to take, Krech convinced his teacher to let him participate in the AP ar t class. It was during that summer that Krech r ealized his natu ral draw toward graphic design. "I just love to draw and create," Krech said. " I figured out one day I could do it on the computer too; that's h ow all that got started." With design experience already under his belt, Krech teamed up with fellow freshmen J ames Acuff, an accounting major, and Tyler Fonville, a graphic design maj or, to fOI'm a graphic design company called NME deSigns, which included designing t~shirts for cu stomer s. "It was kind of mutual between me an d J ames [to star t the company]," Kt'ech said. 'We adopted Tyler . ' design and so does T yle r [whi le} James would just finance." The three formed the company after meeting the fi r st few weeks of freshman year and realized th is would be something tha t they all wanted .. .. to do . After a few brainstormin g sessio ns the thr ee agr eed on the n ame and began to publicize th emselves thl'ough Facebook . " J though t we would have like 10 people following us," Krech said . "But we ended up with somewher e around go fans. " Krech b egan to paint and design in high school, so he knew what it took to design a q uality shi r t. "I woul d playoff my mistakes," Krech said. " If I messed up 1would roll with my mistakes." Krech pledged TNT in the fall and during club week he was asked to design sh irts for his club. H ejumped at the ch ance to design and the shirts were a big hit within the club. Along with TNT, Kr ech was also asked to design shirts fOI' some of his friends who went to Eastern Ken ~ tucky University. Not o nly was a l·t someth ing h e loved to do for himself, but also for Cod . His art and faith came hand in hand. Krech was an intern at h is church back home during the summer of2009 and he was ah'eady asked to com e back and work again. Krech said one of th e art pieces h e did dur~ ing his internsh ip was a J esus painting and wh ile he was painting he gave a devotional on it in between. " I love to do just about everything in art; pain t, draw, you name it , I have done it," K rech said. " It 's j ust a way to relieve stress and just get away from the world and show how I feel." James Buce/Nicole Sullenger . ' "Will has used h · I ~ he does H . IS ta ents and gifts to g lorifY G d . h . e I S a great exampl e ~ h 0 In all that t ey too can accompli sh th e ' Or I ot ers to look at to see that Ir goa s des· h pIte t eir age." ~~--.,/}/ ... Sen ior Jarrod Turbeville _ .. ------..=~ - freshmen 103