2008-2009 Yearbook

Sophomore Cole Taylor practices at a track in Enola. IVI<. nght outsde of Cawlay Oct.27 He said re 'N€:nt tme several times a VVElEJk to keep up hs motcaC6S skiDs. Nick Michael While competing at the Loretta Lynn national championship In Decatur,Texas, in April 2(X)6, sop'"x:m:;(e Ccl3 TayIx ski.Js arcurd a carer to too fnsh reo TOO was tre raB trat rm:Je hm a t\3fo"<j qualifier in motocross Courtesy of Cole Taylor Cole Taylor fies thra.gh th3 sky at tre track \l\h8re he practICes in Erda, Ark, ()ct. 27, Tay1c;f also gave lessens to younger competITors at thls track tIM) days a VVElEJk. Nick Michael sophomores 89